Who all are looking for part-time jobs?
- Teenagers
- College Students
- Retirees
- Young Mothers
- People with Medical Problems or Disabilities
- Single Parents in Need of More Cash – A Second Job
- Someone in Search for a Good Life-Work Balance
Why do you want to Work Part-time?
A Teenager looking for a Summer Job
- Summer vacation is close and I need a part-time job which pays me well and also hones my creativity.
- I just need a part-time job to get through my college loans, willing to work up to 10 hours a week.
What does a Stay-at-Home Mom say?
If you are a stay-at-home thinking of getting back in the job market what would you prefer — full-time employment or working only part-time? It is no dispute that working part-time brings many advantages to a working mother’s life -work balance act. Here are the top 5 reasons why women prefer working part-time when re-entering the workforce:
- I can have more energy and less stressed in the evening after a 5-6 hours work day. Evenings are not just the time spent on getting ready for the next work day, but more to be lived in the moment.
- I am spending less money on general daycare expenses and after school programs for kids
- I can have more time to enjoy with kids and in helping them with their homework or just finding time to interact with them
- I can have more “me-time”, even before picking up kids from school; you may find time for that half-hour pedicure / manicure or a quick shopping trip without the kids in tow!
- A satisfying feeling of self-accomplishment and outlet to creativity through work as compared to being a full-time stay-at-home mother
If not one the above, there may be some of your own personal reasons for wanting to work part-time.
Some Tips – How Best to Find the Opportunities
Not just networking but networking smartly will help you in the long and short run. Contact your friends, family and send them your resume and also ask them how they could help you in improving upon the resume to match suit the company needs. When emailing friends do ask them if they can provide emails or contact information of their acquaintances who are in similar fields in which you are interested.
Where to Search for Part-time Jobs?
The internet is a great retarget for searching for the part-time jobs, here are some useful site which talk about where and how to search for the part-time jobs.
- About.com has great retargets for searching for the part-time jobs and also advice on how to go about the job hunt
- A Careerbuilder.com article that has some very interesting listing on jobs that are fun and could be considered non-traditional and pays a lot more than you think
- Craigslist offers current local listings which might interest you
- Look for jobs at non-profit organizations which also offer part-time and other paid and volunteer job options. One such online retarget: http://www.bridgestar.org/
- Looking for a job that offers good benefits and flexible schedules, contract work options? Perhaps a government job might suit you. You can search here: http://usajobs.opm.gov/
- Part-time Jobs for Teenagers, also look for your campus job listings online or career fairs
- BLS website