Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

Insurance Agent vs Broker: What’s the Difference?

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Did you know that insurance agent jobs are at a record high? It's no surprise why--most types of insurance are required by law. That forced purchasing makes insurance salespeople timely and helpful retargets. Many types of insurance are essential to our needs, especially in preparing for the future. However, many people need help to navigate the [...]

4 Benefits of a Career in Nursing

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The nursing profession has long been regarded as providing an invaluable service to humanity and is one of the most important roles within healthcare. The skills required to excel in this field extend far beyond academics and technical training and include such qualities as compassion, care and a good bedside manner. Nursing offers the potential for [...]

5 Second Careers to Consider If You’re Looking for a New Path

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For many people, starting a new career can be stressful. You may have spent years working your way up the corporate ladder, only to find yourself suddenly unemployed or unfulfilled. However, a successful transition is possible with the right planning and mindset. If you're considering a career change, here are five second careers to consider: Nursing [...]

How to Build Your Art Portfolio for Colleges and Potential Jobs

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As of 2021, there are 52,300 craft and fine artists jobs in the United States. Becoming an artist is one of the most fulfilling careers, though it may not be one of the easiest. If you are considering becoming an artist or are looking for a new art job, you may need to build your art [...]

Job Skill: Top 5 Custom Car Modifications that Enhance your Automotive Skills

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As a car enthusiast or a professional specialty car mechanic, nothing is more satisfying than modifying your car to your own specifications. Whether you're upgrading the engine performance, installing new body parts, or adding custom lighting, there are endless possibilities when it comes to customization. In this blog post, let’s explore five of the best custom [...]

What Skills Do Truck Driving Schools Teach?

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Have you always envied the freedom of a truck driver's lifestyle? Maybe you just want a strong career that pays well for the rest of your life? Either way, learning how to drive trucks might be an excellent choice for you. Truck driving is in demand, whether you choose to work for big companies or go [...]


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