Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

Top 5 Skills That Qualify You For Care Jobs

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Typically, having a care job can be both rewarding and challenging. It can be rewarding because you can help vulnerable people in society to maximize their quality of life amidst serious illness and disabilities. It can also be challenging because you need to possess specific skills to perform the job well. You may find it hard [...]

What can I do with a teaching degree besides teach?

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The advent of technology and the economy's expansion have provided educational professionals with new and successful prospects, aside from the usual employment reserved for those with teaching degrees and other education-related majors. Things have changed since millennials entered the workforce. Competition is fierce, so working hard and enabling yourself to establish a name in the professional [...]

What Are the Different Types of Construction Projects?

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Did you know that there are close to 6 million commercial buildings in the United States of America? There are many types of construction projects out there and each one provides a ton of value to society as we know it. Construction projects are what allow you to use roads and highways to drive on, as [...]

Is Pursuing A Real Estate Career For You? Here’s What MV Realty Has To Say

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Real estate is the largest industry in the world. As the global population grows, so does the demand for property. Regardless, not many people consider a career in real estate a worthy decision. Below are insights on what a career in real estate may mean to you and what you should know before making that decision. [...]

Asked and Answered: Preparing to Crush Your Next Medical Job Interview

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If you’re looking to enter the medical field, you’ll no doubt be pleased to hear that now is a better time than ever to join. The medical field has long been short-staffed, with professionals required to work long hours and deal with traumatizing events on a daily basis: it was never a job for everyone and [...]

The World of Medicine: What Does a Nursing Assistant Do?

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Becoming a nursing assistant is one way to gain experience in the medical field. And you don't need an advanced degree to do it. On average, nursing assistants make $17.26 per hour, helping patients with daily tasks. So if you want to see what it's like to work in healthcare, consider training to work as a [...]


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