Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

The pros and cons of being a part-time Uber driver

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Working as a part-time Uber driver seems to be the go-to solution for overcoming financial hardships or supplementing your monthly income when your day job is no longer enough. Uber is well aware of this, which is why they play this card quite often in its marketing messages addressed to potential drivers. According to one of their [...]

5 Skills Young Engineers Should Have

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The world of engineering is a very lucrative but challenging field in which to build a livelihood. As a young engineer, you have a world of possibility ahead of you in your career. But to have the most opportunities, it is essential to position yourself to be hired by successful firms. Having a handful of key [...]

5 Duties of a Registered Behavioral Technician

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After a feature on a popular news outlet on the professionals who can change the world, behavior therapists were top of the list. If you are looking to get into the industry and you want to know how to become a registered behavior technician, let us indulge in their role and what their jobs entail. Characteristics [...]

The Different Types of Data Entry Jobs 

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Data entry sounds simple. And yes, it's a clerical role involving information processing - but don't let that fool you. There are thousands of different types of data entry jobs and they range enormously in their level of skill requirements! They range from simple typing roles to professional level jobs requiring high speed, experience, and accuracy. [...]

Should You Become a Certified Bookkeeper? 5 Qualities/Signs the Answer Is Yes

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  The IRS collects trillions of dollars from tax-paying people and entities every year. Much of that money flows in from businesses on both an annual and quarterly basis. While paying taxes is a necessity of life for anyone living and conducting commerce in the USA, the practice of actually getting that filing done, and more [...]

How To Become A Certified Hypnotherapist

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Hypnotherapy is currently popular with many people, especially those who have chronic health conditions. This is the reason many individuals now aspire to be certified hypnotherapists. However, like other professions, to become a certified hypnotherapist, one must earn a degree and undergo rigorous training related to hypnotherapy to become certified. At present, there are many training [...]


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