Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

United States Ranks as the Best Country to Work in for Healthcare Roles

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For those who are keen to work in the healthcare sector, Lenstore has researched the average salaries per country for a number of healthcare roles. From doctors to midwifes to radiologists, this list shares how much you can expect to earn in each role. These Are The Countries Paying The Highest Salaries Per Job Role Country Optometrist Yearly [...]

Is a Nursing Home Career Right for You?

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Did you know that people age 65 and older are expected to jump in their representation percentage of the population from 16% in 2018 to 21.6% by 2040? That's almost a quarter of the U.S. population. In addition to people's increasing longevity due to medical advancements in treatments and diagnosis, there will be an unmistakable increase [...]

7 Best Careers in Agriculture

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The agricultural field offers many exciting career opportunities, and employment opportunities in agribusiness keep increasing daily due to growing scales of farming operations and industrial changes. For anyone interested in pursuing agriculture but wondering if there is more to it than just farming, here are the best careers you can consider in agriculture: Food Scientists Choosing to [...]

Career Guide: The iGaming Industry

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In a relatively short space of time, the iGaming industry has exploded in popularity across the globe. What was once a niche online gaming market is now a multi-billion-dollar global industry that’s home to some of the most successful tech and innovation companies on the planet. This industry is incredibly fast-paced, offering a wealth of different [...]

What Does a Medical Office Administrator Normally Do?

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Think back to the last time you visited the doctor or dentist. More than likely, the first interaction you had was with a person seated behind an office desk in the waiting room. This person, a medical office administrator, is the friendly face greeting patients who walk in—but they’re also much more than that. If you’ve [...]

Life on the Road: All You Need To Know About the Job of the Taxi Driver

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There is a high chance that you’ve used the services of taxi drivers at least once in your lifetime, no matter the circumstances. They might talk to you while you prefer to keep silent or occasionally, swear a little bit too much, but if you need to get from a point A to point B with [...]


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