Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

10 Steps to Become a Personal Injury Lawyer

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Personal injury law has a number of benefits. It can pay well, if you’re successful in landing a steady stream of clients. It can be more exciting than contract law, and you can make a major difference in the lives of your clients. Here are the 10 steps to becoming a personal injury lawyer. Step 1: [...]

Freelancing, Gaming and More: Alternative Job Sectors to Explore

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The global job market is shifting and more people than ever are eschewing conventional 9 to 5 office work in favor of alternative career paths, freelancing and the opportunity to work from home or on their own schedule. The following options all make great side-hustles and have come of age with the rise of the gig [...]

What Is a Life Coach? Career Description, Job Outlook, and Expected Salary Explained

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Are you interested in changing your career? That’s great! Why not become a life coach? You can always learn how to start an online coaching business that helps you create a product that not only delivers but also looks good. After all, it's a rewarding career where you can help teach others how to decrease stress, solve problems, [...]

How To Make Money as an Audio Engineer

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You may have ventured into audio as a music lover. However, music is not the only way you can excel in this field. There are countless audio-related jobs that don’t have anything to do with the music industry, but that can still be educational and fulfilling. At the very least, these jobs can help you pay [...]

A Complete Guide to Get a Construction Engineering License

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Do you want to know the process of getting a construction engineering license of your own? Follow up these simple instructions to grab one. Civil engineering or construction engineering is a government-regulated activity; it is arranged under the state’s licensing laws. This practice’s requirements may differ from state to state, but the basics are the same. [...]

Digital Marketing: Do You Really Need a Degree for It?

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Without a doubt, digital marketing is a rapidly-growing and expanding field. It goes hand in hand with successful business management, as more and more business is being conducted online, whether it’s retail, education, trading, or just about anything else you can think of. That inevitably creates a demand for companies to adapt their offer to the [...]


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