Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

Learning to Fly: Your Guide to a Career in the Aviation Industry

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In 1903, there was one registered pilot in the United States. One hundred and eleven years later, there were close to 600,000 students. If you're interested in learning to fly and making a career out of it, there is some training and some certifications that you'll need to get first. It can be tricky to know where [...]

How to Become a Software Developer: 5 Helpful Tips

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Software engineering is a booming industry. In fact, the software development space is estimated to grow by 21 percent by 2028. If you're someone who loves to code, then you should definitely consider becoming a software developer. However, just because coding skills are in high demand these days doesn't mean that you're a shoo-in for that [...]

Positives and Negatives of Working as an Uber Driver

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Now is a time when many people are out of work due to the pandemic. Others are working, but they face underemployment. Lots of individuals are looking at ways of supporting themselves that they had never considered before. At the top of that list is being an Uber driver. Ride share options like Lyft and Uber are [...]

How To Build A Career On Online Selling

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Online selling, also known as e-commerce, has undoubtedly made a mark these days due to its popularity. Today, many individuals are drawn towards creating a career and a stable income by selling products and services online. People across the globe are encouraged to stay at home and avoid swarming public areas. Therefore, they are drawn towards [...]

Alternative Career Paths: How Much Can You Earn With Consumer Directed Services?

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With jobs becoming scarce in some areas of the country, it is more important than ever for individuals to discover information on their options. There are many people who have family members that need private in-home care. Although they would likely love a family member to care for their needs, this is not always possible. Thankfully, [...]

Things To Remember Before Embarking On A Trucking Career

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Truck driving is one of the most popular occupations in the USA, with more than 7.4 million Americans currently working in the trucking industry, according to the  U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. There are many reasons why a career in trucking may look appealing. Not only is there a substantial demand for truck drivers in the country, [...]


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