Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

5 Reasons To Choose A Career In the Medical Field

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Parents often push the idea of choosing a career in the medical field onto their children. Other parents encourage children to choose their career paths on their own. As a student, consider pursuing a career in medicine whether your parents actively persuade you to or not. If you do, you will gain more than just an [...]

How Long Does It Take To Become a Radiologist Technician?

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Does your job make you want to tear out your hair? Do you feel like you're stuck in a rut of low-paying, boring jobs? If you're thinking about making a career change, you might want to check out the health care field. It's the fastest-growing industry in the United States, leaving the retail and manufacturing sectors in [...]

Medical Salaries: How Much Do Medical Coders Make?

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Do you love the idea of working in the healthcare industry? Do you want to experience all the perks the healthcare field has to offer (high salaries, high job demand, competitive benefits, etc.) without working one-on-one with patients? If you want a more hands-off healthcare career, you might want to consider working as a medical coder. Never [...]

Career in Event Management

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Event managers support a wide range of events such as conferences, product launches, corporate events, festivals, sporting events or award ceremonies. Often tech companies and some other industries as well hire an event manager as part of their marketing team. For this job you must be prepared to work on your own and have the ability [...]


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