Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

Are You Ready for a FIFO Job?

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The rise of the mining and fuel industries in the 1980s introduced Australia to the labour model now known as FIFO, short for “fly-in, fly-out.” FIFO pertains to the recruitment of staff for long-distance work, often to be completed in remote locations where accommodation and meals are provided to them. The FIFO model opened up opportunities [...]

Career As A Tutor: The Key Benefits Of Being In This Career

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Going for the job that you really want can sometimes be difficult. Employers may look for someone with more experience, the job openings may be limited, or maybe your timing isn’t right. So, while you’re waiting for your dream job, perhaps you can take on a career as a tutor for the time being, or maybe [...]

The Value of Continuing Medical Education

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Becoming a physician and going into the medical field takes years of hard work. In addition to completing a 4-year undergraduate degree, you also have to go to medical school. The work doesn’t stop when you graduate. In fact, there’s a strong argument to be made for continuing your education your entire career. Continuing medical education, [...]

The Future Is Looking Bright for Technical Jobs ― Here’s Why

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Popular technical job roles in the United Kingdom will remain robust and may become even livelier in 2019. This may seem surprising in light of the U.K.’s withdrawal from the EU. Even the U.K.’s tech sector is expressing concerns that Brexit might inflict lasting damage to its industry. While leaving the EU may pose new challenges [...]

Landing Your Next Great (Green) Gig – A Sustainability Career

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With the increase of globalization, sustainability is also increasing in trendiness. This mega trend that has emerged in the area of the environment is now a big priority for countries worldwide. It’s an issue that affects both the public and private sector. Many companies are ‘going green’, thus, implementing sustainability measures nowadays. Growth in green careers [...]


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