Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

4 Unexpected Qualities That Make for Great Salespeople

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This is a guest post by Mike Monroe. Ask anyone what makes a great salesperson, and you’ll probably hear about extroversion, charm, attention-seeking behavior, and other clichés. But if you ask someone who’s studied the subject, you might be amazed by the response. Forget those worn-out stereotypes, and consider the following four qualities of great salespeople. Contrary [...]

Five Careers for Students Who Have Studied Abroad and Aren’t Ready to Move Home

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Studying abroad can be a lot of fun, but it’s much more than that. Studying abroad can have a positive impact on your career. Not only can it support your chances of getting a job stateside, it may open your eyes to all the career possibilities that exist outside the United States. In addition, it isn’t [...]

Five Careers That Won’t Require You to Leave the House in the Morning

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Working at home isn’t for everyone. Although many people love the idea first thing in the morning when the alarm goes off, the fact is, it requires a lot of dedication and persistence. The work needs to get done, even if you decide to sleep in! If you think you have what it takes to manage [...]

Medical Colleges in Europe – Some Options

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Choosing a suitable university for yourself to study medicine in is very important. The journey of becoming a doctor is long, intense and requires full dedication. Hence, you must make the experience worthwhile. It is important that you study medicine in a university and city that you will enjoy being in. You will be studying and [...]

How To Start A Career In Blogging: Your Inside Guide

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Blogging has become a powerful way to communicate what you want to say to a wider audience. Many people blog from time to time as a hobby or pastime, however there’s some people who have made a lucrative career out of blogging where they now make a good steady income stream from it. The question is [...]


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