Career Insight2020-09-04T10:18:53-04:00


Know more about a new career before committing to it.

“What would you do if you weren’t afraid?” ― Sheryl Sandberg

Benefits of Being a Sole Practitioner Lawyer

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In 2023, there were 449,633 law firms in the United States. While many lawyers choose to join a large law firm, many others choose to become sole practitioners. While you may feel like you need to join a large law firm to have a successful career as a lawyer, becoming a sole practitioner is a valid option as well. [...]

5 Reasons to Become a Pilot

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Becoming a pilot is an impressive career opportunity that brings with it many advantages. The qualifications are more straightforward, and learning to fly has never been cheaper. So, why would you not want to embark on such a rewarding career? Flying is unlike anything else experience in terms of excitement, freedom, and travel. But there are [...]

Top 5 Reasons To Consider A Warehouse Career In 2023

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With warehousing being in increasing demand as the years go by, who would not explore a career in warehousing if they're interested in finding work in a profession that provides on-the-job training and plenty of opportunities for advancement? Working in a warehouse can be a beneficial career choice for several different reasons. This employment, amongst other [...]

Will AI Impact the Job Market and Employment Opportunities?

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There's a lot of talk around how Artificial Intelligence (AI) can lead to widespread unemployment as machines take over jobs currently done by humans. The best way to think about AI and the future of jobs is to understand how AI is augmenting rather than replacing the human capacity to do certain jobs. AI can be [...]

Safe Scrum Master: How To Get a Job as a Scrum Master

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Did you know that there are close to 80,000 scrum masters working in the United States of America? Becoming a safe scrum master is a great aspiration to have if you want a lucrative career. Your career as a scrum master will put you in positions to make difficult decisions while meeting deadlines on big projects. [...]

What Are the Different Types of Nursing Specialties?

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Did you know that there are more than 4.2 million registered nurses working in the United States of America? Working in healthcare is a great career path if you're looking for great pay, schedule flexibility, and job security. Becoming a nurse will not only allow you to live life to the fullest but also offer a [...]


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