How to Build Your Art Portfolio for Colleges and Potential Jobs

As of 2021, there are 52,300 craft and fine artists jobs in the United States. Becoming an artist is one of the most fulfilling careers, though it may not be one of the easiest.

If you are considering becoming an artist or are looking for a new art job, you may need to build your art portfolio. This is what you will show to display your talent and skills, so it’s vital that you do it right.

After all, no one will hire you if they can’t see what you can do. Creating a solid art portfolio is the cure for that, and we’ve got everything you need in the guide below.

Read on to get started.

Browse Your Peers’ Portfolios

In the beginning stages, it’s wise to take a look at art portfolio examples.

You can find many examples online of both student and professional portfolios.

This can give you a good idea of what you will want your own portfolio to look like, though always remember it is just a base idea. Your work will still be your own, so use this as inspiration to help you show your strengths.

Choose Your Format

Looking at examples of art portfolios can give you a good idea of the format you want to use, which is one of the most important parts.

Because the digital world has taken over so much, most companies and colleges ask for digital portfolios.

This makes it much easier to share your work, and you can still make a digital portfolio if you make physical artwork. If you use a high-quality scanner, it’s easy to make high-resolution copies of all your different mediums.

Of course, creating a physical art portfolio is also an option, as there are still many employers that prefer a more tactile experience when browsing art.

Be Selective With Your Examples

When choosing what art pieces you want to include, you must be selective. You want to focus on showing your strengths, so displaying the pieces you are most proud of is wise.

You also want to display your range, but you don’t want to overdo it. Include pieces that vary dramatically from one another, and add examples that are in different mediums.

Just remember always to follow the instructions and don’t overwhelm the portfolio. Add what you’re excited about, but don’t be afraid to edit when needed.

You don’t want to include one piece too many, as this could change the entire feeling and opinion of the portfolio.

Organize Your Examples

The order in which you put your art pieces in your portfolio matters almost as much as the art pieces themselves. If you take the time and put thought into how you organize your examples, the person reviewing them will be able to understand you and your artwork much better.

You can display your pieces in a way that shows your narrative and style, which will make them more meaningful for the viewer.

Ask for Feedback

If you’re on the search for careers for artists, then you know it’s not easy to get jobs in the arts. It requires you to hold yourself to the highest standard, as it is a very competitive field.

Therefore, it’s very smart to get feedback on your art portfolio from your peers and colleagues before submitting it with an application. Because you’ve been looking at your work for so long, you may be missing something that they will be able to see.

Fresh eyes can give you a new perspective, and it will allow you to take a minute and reevaluate to make your portfolio the best that it can be.

Keep Your Portfolio Updated

As you continue to grow as an artist, your portfolio should as well.

You will continue to create new and better pieces as your skills develop, so don’t let your older and less-technical pieces take up space where the new ones should be.

Your portfolio should continually be updated and ready to show whenever an opportunity arises; don’t wait for it to come before doing the update.

Revise Your Portfolio for Specific Opportunities

When submitting an art portfolio to a potential art school or job, it is essential that you know the requirements so you can meet every one of them. You’ll find that you’ll have many different versions of your portfolio based on what you’re applying for.

Each school and boss will have their own preferences, so you should never assume you know what they want. Follow their instructions closely.

Looks for things like the due date, format, size, and the number of pieces required, and submit precisely that.

Some places, such as the best online animation schools, may allow you to submit pieces that are unfinished, while others require fully finished pieces. They may ask you to include something specific, like a particular technique or a supplementary piece.

Not following simple instructions can cost you a career, so don’t make that mistake.

Build an Impressive Art Portfolio With This Guide

When you build an art portfolio, you are displaying all of the pieces that you worked so hard on and are so proud of. Because of this, it will take time to create an art portfolio, and it will continue to change as you evolve as an artist.

Use this guide to help you, and soon your art portfolio will be the one others are using as an example.

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