The Role of Electricians in Promoting a Sustainable Environment

There are a lot of career opportunities for electricians in the 21st century. These professionals are responsible for supplying buildings and structures with electricity, and their importance in an era powered by electricity is evident – without them, the world would go dark, and power would only have a limited benefit to humanity. One of the new developments being considered by electricians would be the use of energy saving electrical components that would reduce harmful emissions of gases in the atmosphere. By working on specialized bulbs, wires, and connectors, electricians are saving the planet while at the same time, lowering the cost of electric bills for their clients.

One example of the recent changes in their approach to supplying electricity to structures took place in the United States. Many buildings in America have been emitting CO2, a toxic compound that destroys the atmosphere. Research pointed out that 39% of all the CO2 emissions in the country originated from buildings. On the other hand, these buildings are also consuming 40% of the total electrical power generated by the United States. Because of the growing consciousness about environmental protection, construction workers and electricians who are under various organizations have decided that they should be curbing the rising rates of CO2 emissions and power consumption. They will be developing a sustainable environment to conserve energy, and to lower down the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere.

This signaled the growth of the green build movement, an organization that tackles the importance of building eco-friendly structures, while at the same time introducing new technologies that would allow better building practices. Sustainable construction is what the organization has been pushing for, and electricians across the country support the idea. The green build movement has also partnered with government agencies to ensure that companies and businesses will be complying to the rules and regulations imposed by the organization, to ensure that the environment will not be damaged when the construction project ends.

Electricians and electrical contractors have been tapped by the green build movement to play a significant role in providing the certification to businesses and corporations. They need to check the lighting system in an applicant’s building or structure, making sure that it follows the rules and regulations that came from the green build movement. The structure’s renewable energy generation should also be noted, proving that the business or the corporation is interested in joining the efforts in promoting sustainable building construction and operation. Aside from the electrical components of the structure, electricians and the electrical contractors should also check the materials used in construction, the innovation and the design of how the electrical components are laid down, and the quality of air indoors.

The green building movement has provided certifications to businesses and companies that adhered to their rules and regulations, and these certifications are further divided into found, according to the ratings that they received. Electricians have been actively joining the efforts in constructing green buildings because of the professional points that they can earn through the process. Earning these points would allow them to present themselves as competitive professionals, which would highly boost their career.

California is one of the states that are serious in converting most of the buildings into green buildings. California electrical contractors and electricians have been working together to promote the state’s energy code, which was established in 2005 and was subsequently updated in 2008. Many businesses operating in the state have seen a rise in the number of structures that are practicing sustainable energy, and it is believed that with the current trend in the construction sector of the state, California could become the first state in the country that successfully converted all building to become green and eco-friendly.

The effects of climate change are being felt all over the world, and governments are trying to do their best to slow down the effects of climate change. Humans have become more aware and conscious about the effects of a changing climate, and they are also cooperating with government programs aimed to transform the planet back to its pre-destructive levels. Many scientists point out that if the proper distribution of retargets and power could be practiced, the effects of climate change can be slowed down and eventually stopped. However, it requires a huge effort, not only from the government side but also on the side of the people.


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