Career- Self Help2020-09-04T07:50:04-04:00


Career goals are reached when you take on the reins of your career. Find the best career advice articles here.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C. S. Lewis

Survey Reveals Interesting Facts About Working Pet Owners Ahead of National Pet Day

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A recent survey among 2,000 pet owners who also work, brought forth some surprising facts about how these workers feel about their pets post pandemic. During the global pandemic when more people were working from home, pet owners became used to working with their pets around them all day. It seems that while many are now [...]

Learn Business English to Succeed in Your Career

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Use these 8 Tips to Learn Business English  Whether we like it or not, English has become the worldwide business language. To enhance communication and effectiveness across spatially diverse functions and commercial efforts, numerous international firms demand English as the standard corporate language. If you're a non-native English speaker employed in an English-speaking setting, you must [...]

4 Steps to Take When You Feel Lost in Your Career

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Photo Courtesy of If your career is not bringing you the joy and satisfaction that you deserve, you could be feeling lost and confused about what to do next. Your career is designed to fulfill several purposes. Firstly, your job should bring you an income with which you can take care of yourself and your [...]

Managing Your Side Hustles Along With Your Full-Time Job

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Today, about 55 million Americans or more than 35% of the U.S. workforce report having some kind of side hustle that complements their current full-time profession. With so many ways to make money online, anyone can turn side hustles into an additional stream of income making six figures or more while still retaining their traditional day [...]

Organizational Stress Now an Omnipresent, Ominous Concern for Businesses Across America

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Expert interview reveals what business owners and managers can do to gain a better grip on organizational and operational stress This is a guest post by Merilee Kern, MBA Amid the large number of health, economic, political, and other macro-crises of late, organizational stress is at an all-time high. For many, stress has become so burdensome [...]

How To Avoid Guilt When Spending Money

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We've all been in that situation. We're feeling guilty every time we swipe another credit card at a retailer. After purchasing a last-minute,  We've all been in that situation. We're feeling guilty every time we swipe another credit card at a retailer. After purchasing a last-minute, discounted airplane ticket on your credit card, you're overwhelmed with [...]


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