Career- Self Help2020-09-04T07:50:04-04:00


Career goals are reached when you take on the reins of your career. Find the best career advice articles here.

You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” — C. S. Lewis

From Surviving To Thriving: Navigating Career Challenges With Peer Support

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Are you merely staying afloat in your career, or are you actively propelling yourself toward growth and fulfillment? Identifying whether you're just managing to keep up or actively advancing can be a simple yet significant first step in your journey from mere survival to genuine thriving in your career. This process is more than just mitigating [...]

Breaking Glass Ceilings and Manifesting Your Success  

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This is a guest post by Monica Yates  Let’s talk about breaking through your ceiling regarding manifestation.  What can sometimes happen is that we will find ourselves hitting this constant ceiling when we are trying to manifest something or when we're trying to up-level our life. We are continuously hitting the same road bumps or having [...]

Beyond Handshakes – The Hidden Language of Business Etiquette

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The value of business etiquette in 2023, plus tips on lesser-known rules In an increasingly virtual working world, the standards and expectations of business etiquette are constantly shifting. Many refer to the three Rs of business etiquette: recognition, respect, and response. But beyond these broad ideas related to “being professional”, there are also numerous unwritten rules that can make or break a deal or a relationship. [...]

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Moissanite Engagement Ring

|Categories: Career Self-Help|Tags: |

Moissanite is a gemstone that is very similar to diamonds. It has many of the same properties, including hardness and durability. The main difference between Moissanite and a diamond is that while it has the same chemical composition as a diamond, it has a different structure. This makes it harder than a diamond and less susceptible [...]

The Most Misunderstood Tech Terms 

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New research reveals the top five most misunderstood tech abbreviations and acronyms  Tech trends continue to emerge and shift at a rapid pace. The conversation in 2023 has so far been dominated by the unveiling of generative artificial intelligence to the public, and its ongoing development. The speed at which these new ideas are introduced and adopted can be difficult to keep track of – particularly where abbreviations are concerned. To gauge [...]

Interview Preparation Tips to Land Your Dream Job

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Are you ready to ace your next job interview and finally get the position you've hoped for? In today's competitive job market, you must do everything possible to put your best foot forward. When you dress the part and come prepared for your interview, you increase your likelihood of getting a great impression. But the interview [...]


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