Accessories for that Sharp Look – At the Interview or Workplace

How the right pair of frames can influence your career

For some people, their glasses are the ultimate accessory. They’re a window to their personality, their style and they’re a simple yet effective way to make themselves much more distinctive. These days glasses are so much more than a visual aid, they’re an extension of your character. However, did you know that your glasses could be having a bigger influence on your life than you might think?

When it comes to the workplace, wearing eyewear can have a huge impact on the way your peers and management perceive you. Even those who don’t wear prescription lenses can also benefit from a strategically chosen pair of frames – like these eyeglasses from EyeBuyDirect – and reap the rewards of wearing glasses in the workplace. And since so many of us are now working from home, the hours spent on the computer have kind of made it more important than ever to consider eyestrain reducing glasses at the least. 

Here let’s look at how the right pair of frames can influence your career.

You look knowledgeable

For those of us who wore glasses throughout childhood, you’ll understand the bookish and studious connotations that come with wearing frames – something which lead to playground bullying and name-calling. Thankfully, those days are long gone and “geek-chic” is incredibly influential in the workplace. Thick, full-rimmed frames in either a traditional circle or horn-rimmed style can make you appear knowledgeable and intelligent. This means people with queries or concerns are more likely to gravitate towards you when looking for advice or clarification. 

You look trustworthy

With intelligence comes a higher level of trust, and in the workplace being someone who is perceived as reliable and trustworthy will work wonders for your career. Again, studies have shown that people who wear glasses are often perceived to be scholarly and trustworthy individuals. So, investing in a pair of rimless frames will instantly make you more likable and consistent. If you’re someone who often deals with customers face-to-face or you regularly deal with higher management then rimless or semi-rimless frames will help others know that they’re in safe hands. 

You’re memorable

As mentioned above, the right pair of frames could be perceived as an extension of your personality. If you’re currently working in an environment with a strict dress code, or you’re struggling to stand apart from your peers, then the right pair of frames could be the answer. Making yourself more memorable with a pair of cat-eye frames, oversized oval, browline or large aviator-style glasses will give you the edge over your competitors, whether you’re hoping to make a strong impression for the new boss or you’re heading to a job interview.  Don’t forget bright, bold colors can also help you here!

What your frames say about you

Are you now considering wearing glasses? Choosing glasses over contact lenses will not only benefit you from an aesthetic standpoint, but they can also help you maintain good eye health and reduce eyestrain. Remember, you don’t have to stick to just one style or pair of frames either. You could change your frames depending on your weekly work schedule. If your calendar is bursting with meetings on Monday, opt for your full-rimmed frames and switch to your more memorable and colorful frames on dress-down-Fridays.


Photo by Keitravis Squire on Unsplash

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