Balancing Career and a Growing Family – Can a Working Mother make her Life Easier

How concerned a woman feels on managing her career and a new baby on the way depends on how well prepared you are for this major change in your life.
Before having a baby you were completely focused on the job and advancing your career and enjoying life with your partner with the arrival of the new bundle of joy, many things change – relationships and career management which were easy flowing before need better nurturing and planning.
But some nervousness is good for early preparedness. If you are starting a family or already a working mother with an expanding family, the concerns are many – here are some tips on how to make your life easier and getting you prepared for a smooth sailing ahead.

Though on smooth sailing and expectations – be forewarned not to expect everything to be back to normal sometime soon; it might take a few months or a year or more perhaps, right no with good planning all you have to do is ride it out and see what works best for you and your family.
The growing family’s and kids demands are ever increasing, you may feel the guilt or pressure from the family of not being there for your young ones during their early years and the relations with the spouse are also not the same with both trying to struggle with work-life balance issues. Guilt, pressure, frustration, are all part and parcel of a growing family for a working mother, but all these being there we can rejoice in the pleasures of ‘making’ a family and we can thrive if we can keep our sanity and our planning perfect. Here are some tips in the series – Make your Life easier Working Mother (please do share yours to make the list comprehensive):

Time Management – Compartmentalize your Life
The top most concern of a working mother is finding time to do what they want. There is never enough time in a day to get all done or even get the essentials taken care of. One of the best solutions to this ever present time management problem is to compartmentalize your time. Plan and spare time for, these and others that matter most to you:

Carpool for Kids
School carpool and pick-up drop-off services for your elder kids will ensure that you are not in a rush to finish chores at home or at work and rushing to pick up kids from school. A good healthy neighborhood connection also helps. Never be afraid to ask for help.

On Personal Care
A working mother or two or three on regular trips to a spa or a salon? Well, it is possible for many but not feasible for most. Where is the time and at times we tend to get in the “who cares” mode. But we need “me” time, to pamper, exfoliate or just relax but it is essential to keep us going in full steam all week. Follow a daily skin care and personal care routine when the kids are tucked in bed or whenever you find the best time to spare only for yourself. A routine becomes a habit and personal care and a glowing mom is not all that impossible. And of course, a few hours in a spa on a weekend can be possible too. All you need to do is ask your spouse for that special quality time that he needs to spend with the kids.

On Cooking
Look up some quick cooking tips on the internet or consult your friends. There is a list on Top 10 Best Quick Cook Cookbooks on the pages perhaps that can inspire some quick healthy cooking tips that all working mothers seek.
The point is to try the best to keep the meals healthy and the lesser time it takes during the settling in phase with the new baby or the busy days with multiple agenda, the better. Spare a few minutes each weekend to plan for the kids and your lunch bag planning. A couple of thinks cooked and frozen for the weekdays is a good idea for those crazy days when things are just out of hand. I have some tips on healthy lunch ideas for a working mother here.

These two tips are from the previous posts on the Make your Life Easier Series on this Blog:

On House Help
It was interesting to read an article in the magazine Working Mother relating (not) getting house help to divorce! Well, why not, working mothers are pressurized at work and more at home, an average working mother does 2-4 times more work than her male counterpart. Getting some help in our lives helps us keep some time for those precious relationships that we work for.

Don’t think about the extra 100 -200 dollars you would be shelving off every month or two for the house help, consider it as an investment to your time. The invaluable time that gets released to you to spend with your family. To go to the soccer game or the dance practice with your kids and not feel guilty of not cleaning the bathroom this weekend. Or just watching a late night movie with your spouse and not worrying about scrubbing the stains off the counter and cabinets in the kitchen.
Or just finding time to sit with your feet up and enjoying that cup of tea! Ahh….If some help gets the tension and stress off you, it’s worth it.

On Organization
At home I feel most flustered when I see the living room full of toys or the closet all disheveled even after a full week of cleaning. Organization at home always seems like an endless chore, and in a house with kids, it is inevitable.

Some tips to share here, what works for me:Toys all over – get a toy chest (which can also serve as an ottoman / table) in the living area for a quick toss in when needed. Kids love to own one and when they are declared responsible for the same, organization and clean-up follows.

Kitchen and around – make it a point to do a complete clean-up event once a year at least – you can get rid of half the stuff when you realize you don’t even use it!
Closet – hmm? Let’s not get there, that’s a whole big monster to talk about in a short blog post!Look up some tips on quick organization:

And sometimes, just let it be, choose taking a walk outside to clearing up the mess. De-stress and energize, you are the main supporting pillar of the house, a happier you and a disorganized house is better than a grumpy mom and a spotless house.

What other tips can you share with us? Please comment.

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