Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Careerbright Supporters!

This is the time to thank you all for being part of Careerbright as the blog begins its 5th year of blogosphere existence! And it was indeed the right time for a makeover. As you would have noticed has new look and feel and I would deeply appreciate if you can take a few minutes to send me your suggestions and feedback on these changes and any other tips for improvement (just add them to the comments here).

A sincere thanks to all of you for continuing on the career improvement journey with me and the new year 2010 will bring in more relevant articles to inspire you toward a satisfying career and happier life.

I appreciate your participation and taking time to comment on the articles, believe me the joy of receiving comments is much more than seeing an article published!

Here’s a toast to Careerbright’s success, to you the readers and the holiday season – a season to give and enjoy time with family and getting back to our jobs or jobs search rejuvenated!

Best wishes always!

Shweta Khare @Careerbright

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