Burnout News Flash: One in three workers expect to burnout out on the job and is seriously considering quitting work due to job stress (www.mercer.com).
It’s amazing how common job burnout has become.
That means that every three cubicles you pass at your office, you’ve passed at least one burned out employee.
The odds are that it’s impacting someone close to you right now.
Or maybe it’s actually you that’s burning out.
Where Job Burnout Begins
Job burnout is the feeling you get when you:
- Dread Monday mornings
- Show up at work physically but not in mind, spirit, and soul
- Want to run away from your job like you’re running from a fire
It’s the result of confusing what you do with who you are.
And what you’ll find with job burnout is that it usually starts with the mindset in how you approach your work.
Your mindset precedes the stress, exhaustion, and overwhelm that’s so common at the office these days.
If you can shift your mindset, you can actually get ahead of burnout before you hit the wall, or if you’ve already burned out you can start to reignite your career.
Three Mindsets that Lead to Job Burnout
By considering the most common mindsets that lead to job burnout, you can identify the target of your burnout.
Here are the three most common that I find in corporate (and that I’ve experienced myself as well):
- Mindset #1 – The Hostage –Your work experience holds you hostage to a career that’s burning you out. You’re held captive by what your resume says you’ve accomplished in the past, and you can’t imagine changing careers. This kills off the possibilities for discovering what you’d really love to be doing and keeps you confined to positions that you’re “qualified” for. I was in supply chain, and now I’m a burnout specialist and executive coach. It’s extremely limiting to believe that whatever you’ve been doing for years is the only thing you can realistic do in the future. Your work training is simply the foundation and not your blueprint, use it to build in new directions that interest you and thus avoid burnout.
- Mindset #2 The Straight Liner – It’s rare to have the steady title and pay progression in your career and job title is meaning less and less. When you expect the analyst –manager-director-VP, you’re setting yourself up for disappointment and lots frustration. It’s much more realistic to remain open to the career possibilities even if it means taking a job with a lower or lateral title or pay grade. It much more helpful to think of your career progression as a discovery and advancement of what you most like to do? The objective being that in each job change you’re moving towards more work that you enjoy most.
- Mindset #3 The Path Follower – If you’re following the career path that someone else has recommended or that they been down themselves then you’re likely to burnout. Part of the joy of work is in figuring out your own career path as you go along. It might feel comfortable to be on the “known career path”, but it’s much more satisfying and fulfilling to pursue your passion based on your own personal strengths and values versus someone else’s.
So You’ve Got the Mindset that Leads to Burnout
So which of these burnout mindsets apply to you?
Select the one that you find yourself experiencing most frequently.
Just building awareness will help you from falling deeper into job burnout, and help you gain better clarity on whether to stay and rejuvenate in your current role at work, make changes within your current company, or plan your exit to reignite your career.
About the Guest Post Author:
This article was written by The Burnout Specialist, Ben Fanning who helps frustrated burned out professionals reignite their careers and rediscover their passion for work. Download his free Burnout Manifesto, 7 Easy Way to Reignite Your Career from Job Burnout (without quitting) by clicking here.