How to Be a Good Salesperson: The Key Steps to Take
Good sales reps will effectively earn the respect and the ongoing trust of their prospects. Great ones earn their loyalty, admiration, and new referrals. Good reps handle objections skillfully; great ones preemptively surface the concerns and eliminate them.
The Impact of Mental Health on Career Success: Startegies for Achieving Work-Life Balance
Effective Learning Programs Crucial to Top Performers Retention
Never become so much of an expert that you stop gaining expertise. View life as a continuous learning experience. ~ Denis Waitley Your most productive investment lies in employee development. In a highly competitive workforce, it is important to attract, engage and retain [...]
11 Financial Moves to Consider during the COVID-19 Pandemic
This is a guest post by Aiden White. The whole world is fighting an intense situation due to the current pandemic. People all over the world are trying to maintain the necessary guidelines dictated by the Government and doctors and the main [...]
Hydration Awareness: 10 Ways to Be ‘Water Wise’ (Even While Sheltering in Place)
Water 101: Guidance from the CDC, USDA, Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and other top-tier experts and physicians on proper hydration, dehydration avoidance This is a guest post by Merilee Kern Water. We all need it—and know we need it—for optimum health and wellness, [...]
Best Activities for Improving Brain Health At Home
A new study by Audley Villages has revealed the most popular everyday activities for maintaining brain health and longevity without leaving your home Audley Villages has looked at the most popular scientifically supported activities you can do at home to maintain brain health, based [...]
How to Develop Strong Organization Skills for the Office or Working from Home
Did you know that 89% of employees waste time while at work? The majority of them (60%) waste anywhere between 30 minutes to 1 hour every day, while 16% waste around 2 hours. If you feel like you don't have enough time at [...]
Top 6 Ways To Improve Your Online Learning Schedule
Creating an online course may be a simple task; however, ensuring the effectiveness of online learning is equally important. It takes a significant amount of time, continued effort, and commitment to draft quality-backed content. Read on to explore how to create such [...]
How to cope with a workplace bully
Teamwork makes the dream work, as the saying goes, but unfortunately not everyone feels this way in the workplace. There will always be those who feel that the best way to progress their own careers is to bully and belittle other people, [...]
Digital Communication Etiquette: Do’s And Don’ts Of Workplace Interactions
There has been a rapid growth in digital communication in the workplace in recent times. For example, companies have moved from phone calls and faxes to emails and chat. Even more, the advent of remote work and the need for collaboration has [...]
There’s No One Right Path. But There Are Some Good Guideposts
This is a guest post by Rebekah Bastian. As you navigate your personal and professional life, you’ll be hit with decisions that feel both life-changing and overwhelming: Should you take a boring job that pays well, or one that’s less stable but [...]
Healthy Ways for a Digitally Balanced Life
How many times do you find that you check your personal cell phone for work messages while at home? Do you find yourself distracted by the latest YouTube video when you should be working? Or you're struck with FOMO - the fear [...]
5 Helpful Benefits of a Gap Year
More than 30,000 students took off a semester or more before starting college in the United States. Gap years are becoming more popular, especially when students have been in school since age 4. Although they can get a bad rep, gap years can be beneficial in [...]
Gender bias in employment benefits holding back women in tech
Flexible and home working are the most-desired employment benefits among women in the tech industry, but the stigma attached to these is having a negative impact on work-life balance and career progression. A new market report from specialist tech staffing firm Mason [...]
How to Improve Workplace Communication to Land a Leadership Role
Did you know that over 85% of people hate their current job? While no situation is the same, a lot of people are upset at work because they feel like they don't have a voice or that they don't matter. Change starts with yourself [...]
Almost half of employees feel stressed at work, but don’t seek help
International health benefits provider, Aetna International, recently surveyed 4,000 office-based employees in the UK, the U.S., Singapore and the UAE to investigate the motivations and self-imposed barriers to prioritising and investing in their health and wellness. As part of the report titled ‘Business of [...]
Tops Hacks for Business Travel
Traveling for business is both a good and a bad thing. It can be enjoyable to get out of the office for a while, and there’s nothing like connecting with coworkers and partners face-to-face. If you want to make sure your trip is [...]
Workers’ Compensation Lawyer- How Do You Know that You Need One?
Work-related injuries can often put your life to a pause. You can hire a workers’ compensation lawyer to help make up for the losses due to the injuries. But you need to have a clear idea about the process before making the [...]
The Gig Economy: 6 Ways of Getting Paid as a Freelancer
Moving from the traditional job with a regular paycheck to the gig economy without one can be anxiety-inducing. The uncertainty of how often and how much you will be paid scares many away from becoming freelancers. Fortunately, there is no need to [...]
Executives Impart ‘What it Takes’ to Lead in Today’s Business Landscape
This is a guest post by Merilee Kern. It’s fairly indisputable that a prospering company or organization wouldn’t be enjoying any notable measure of success without highly effective leadership. Potent leadership is, in fact, often a primary driver of business innovation, development [...]
Salary Negotiation Tips For Employees
Whether you are in an interview for a new job or are gunning for a promotion, negotiating for your salary is a crucial step to staying ahead. Surprisingly, one study showed that up to 44% of employees will never ask for a raise. [...]
How to Avoid Burnout When Working From Home
Working from home has numerous perks, such as convenience and the freedom to work from anywhere. However, it isn’t always glamorous. In fact, remote workers are incredibly prone to burnout. The Conversation reports that 41% of remote workers have admitted to higher stress [...]
Employee Hiring Tips for Small Business Owners
A small business owner has a lot to worry about other than just running the business. Financials, employee management, inventory, regulations, licences, payroll and much much more. If you are looking for some best ways of payments options for customers click here. [...]
Distracted at Work? How to Focus on Work and Not What’s Happening at Home.
Emails, meetings, phone, colleagues, noise, and all are often cited as the main cause of distractions at work. However, there's one more factor that needs to be addressed if you're losing focus at work - it's what's happening at home! Your mind [...]
Home Office Design – Remodel, Organize and Stay Motivated
Working from home can be the ultimate freedom you had ever dreamed of or could be a drag in the long run when you don't have 'live' colleagues to interact with and or dressing up to go out. Here are few ideas [...]
Tips for a Working Caregiver
The pressure is often more than double for a working caregiver, ensuring that you're keeping the job to have the money to support your family and then personally making sure that your loved one is taken care of. Taking care of of [...]