5 Reasons You Aren’t Getting Any Job Interviews

Most of us have been there. We’ve sent out what seems like a thousand resumes without receiving even so much as a kind refusal – only the desolate sound of crickets. Why is that? Of course there are hundreds of reasons, many [...]

25 Inspiring Quotes for Career Success

Make the most of every failure. Fall forward. ~ Unknown Often the difference between a successful person and a failure is not one has better abilities or ideas, but the courage that one has to bet on one's ideas, to take a [...]

5 Career Choices that Are Still Going Strong

According to the current news, the economy is on the rebound. That may be true in some areas, but there are industries that have permanently lost jobs. Manufacturing positions in the automobile and textile sectors are chief among these. Many people that [...]

How to make your Goals SMART

In life, as in football, you won’t go far unless you know where the goalposts are. ~ Arnold H. Glasgow   To get somewhere you have to know where to go and how to get there. Goals are your destinations or benchmarks [...]

Checklist – How to Prepare for your First Day at Work

Joining a new job is both exciting and an anxious time. How would my boss be?  What's it going to be like working in a team of professionals? Am I prepared to take on this responsibility? The questions may be many but [...]

Learning Future-Proof Skills Is More Valuable Than A Degree

The value of college should not be based purely on the degree you may obtain from completing a two or four year program. While Bachelors and Masters degrees are still very valuable accolades that act as foundational stepping stones for many careers, [...]

Checklist – What you must do before you Quit

All set to resign from your present job? Make the transition smooth by knowing what you must do before you quit. Here's a checklist on what to do in the last week of your employment. (However you must consult your HR department [...]

5 Tips that help you Take Off from the Career Plateau

What is a Career Plateau? A career plateau is the point in your career where / when you do not feel any additional upward mobility because there are fewer positions which are either not open or there are more people vying for [...]

6 Indications that the Job is Not Right for You

Very few people honestly love their jobs. The majority of us attend work because it is required in order to maintain a certain level of comfort. However, you should not hate your job. We're spending more than half of our lives at [...]

How to Not Ruin Your First Day On The Job

When you first start a new job there's a lot going on in your head: stress over impressing your employers, jitters over learning new software or administration procedures, a new sleep schedule, etc. It can be hard to think rationally about how [...]

Higher Paying Job Or Better Company Culture

This is a guest post by Susanna Cha. This is the question that I had been asking myself once I received three job offers after an extensive job hunt. Before going into this, I’d like to share the techniques that I used in finding [...]

Tips to Stay Healthy and Safe at your Workplace

There is clear legislation in place regarding the responsibilities that employers have when it comes to health and safety in the workplace and those who are in breach of these guidelines can be liable for work accident compensation claims to be made [...]

5 Stress Buster Tips for Business Travelers

Efficient Planning for Packing If you travel often it is a good idea to keep aside at least two suits that you would not use for your daily office wear. When you know it is time to travel on a short notice, [...]

Three Essential Tips to Negotiate a Better Salary

The poor economy has left many people searching for ways to increase their income, eliminate their debt and save money. While paying down debt is always a good idea, there comes a point in every family budget when there is really nothing [...]

Know your Fears First to Fight them Right

11 Fears Holding You Back Personally & Professionally “One way to counteract fear’s adverse impact on your life and career is to recognize the type of fear that might be defining you and driving your actions – or lack thereof,” notes internationally-regarded motivational [...]

New Year, New Career: 6 Steps to Achieve Career Success

A fool-proof plan  to find a new Job or fix your current one in 2012 Americans make all kinds of New Year's resolutions - to lose weight, to stop smoking, or spend more time with family and friends.  However, you never hear anyone [...]

The Troubled Public Education in America

Education funding cuts to many public school across US have been widespread this year. Here's an infographic that sums it all up based on a report on how budget cuts are hurting our nation's students. Via: Online Universities Blog

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