CAREER SELF-HELP2020-09-06T11:39:38-04:00

10 Successful Team-Building Tips for the Cyber Workforce

To identify which environment brings the best in you you must know your preferred workstyle - are you content working alone or someone who thrives when working in a team. Whatever the case may be, it's quite obvious that effective team-building and being [...]

Slip-ups at the Workplace – What do you say Career Experts?

A client recently consulted on a situation she’s facing at her workplace. This is an open question / discussion to the career experts and managers out there on how considerate or tolerant one can be at the workplace to accommodate occasional slip-ups. [...]

3 Easy Ways to Deal with Difficult Coworkers

This is a guest post by Donna Reish. They're found in just about every workplace. They can cause increased levels of stress, make you dread coming to work and in worse case scenarios are the reason you quit your job—they are the [...]

Careers for People Who Enjoy the Outdoors

This is a guest post by Wes Harrison. If you love the outdoors, why not find a career that allows you to get out of the confines of an office and work outside? There are many fun and exciting options available to you! Let's [...]

You have been Searched – What did we find about YOU?

Did you know that, according to February 2011 data from 3,000 MyWebCareer users, 35% of Facebook profiles analyzed have a potential negative sentiment? This could be abusive language, references to drugs and alcohol, and negative statements that may relate to work. When [...]

The Power of YES

This International Women’s Day there are a lot of organizations organizing events and activities around the world, and since I am not one of those organizing any event, it is time to celebrate in my own quiet way. I would like to honor [...]

Announcing the Launch of

A website completely dedicated to presenting, displaying the national and international events for the career women or fundraisers and benefit events for women in general. And yes you can post your events for FREE! ð  Drumrolls please- welcome to Is there [...]

Use Examples to Lead and Influence

On Leadership What type of a leader are you? How do you influence others and are other influenced easily by your words and actions? Of the various ways you can use to influence, persuade others to action, example rises way above the [...]

Please do – Hire for Attitude, Train for Skill

According to a recent CareerBuilder study, 60 percent of recruiter time was being wasted on non-value-added activities, the majority of recruiters weren’t measuring ROI, and candidate tracking was often only 25 percent accurate due to ATS limitations. Executives were expecting HR to perform [...]

10 Ways to Be Happier and Healthier at Work

If one of your resolutions this year was to be fit and healthier - which I am sure falls in the list for most of us, then these tips from Brant Secunda and Mark Allen might be very helpful (adapted from their book [...]

Playing the JOB HUNT GAME to get HIRED Faster

Welcome to the world of JobTacToe- the world's first job-hunting game – are you ready to start playing and winning? Since the whole online community is pretty much social and gaming is a big industry it was only about time when job [...]

Choosing Careers with Big Positive Impact

Making More of a Difference: Choosing Careers with Big Positive Impact Having a heart for positive change can lead us to make unconventional career choices. Choosing generosity over making money seems contrary to the basic tenets of capitalism, and at times may [...]

7 Ways to Fight Techno-Despair at Work

Guest Post by Judith Orloff   Adapted from her new paperback bestseller "Emotional Freedom"   We're in the Age of Impatience. We're addicted to technology and instant gratification. We want more information quicker and in fewer words. It's easier to catch up [...]

How Mentoring helps Women move up the Career Ladder

I’ve learned that the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. ~ Andy Rooney In short mentoring is exactly that – finding the right person to guide you to success [...]

Losing your Unemployment Benefits – here’s what you should do

Around 2 million or more Americans could be losing their unemployment benefits this year end. "California has more residents at risk of losing unemployment benefits than 36 other states and Washington D.C. combined." That means those who had been relying on the [...]

How to Sneak out to Work during Holidays

Holidays are just round the corner and that means you have to wrap up work for some quality family time. But wait, I really don’t think I can live without checking my emails, or knowing that everything is fine at work without [...]

Career Job Advice Everywhere which ones are the Best?

You search Google for articles on a career advice or a job search and there you are bombarded with 50,000 results or more. Most often you would click on the first few on the first page and get a lot of information [...]

Facebook for Careers Launches in the UK

What will you do when you grow up? Perhaps network more, SMS more and tweet more; some new devices would be your handy gadgets and you’ll be video conferencing on the move! Expect to receive a much mature answer at WYGU or [...]

Should I access Internet at Office for Personal Work?

A very basic question but recently I have been asked this question by many a Gen Y clients and acquaintance. My answer is clear on this one– look up your office policies, ask HR if you cannot find any relevant ones on [...]

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving Careerbright Supporters! This is the time to thank you all for being part of Careerbright as the blog begins its 5th year of blogosphere existence! And it was indeed the right time for a makeover. As you would have noticed [...]

Tips on Office Holiday Party Etiquette

It’s holiday time and your calendar is full of party invites, office parties are clashing with your social gatherings, what to do? You are an introvert and would rather stay away from the big office bashes you don’t feel comfortable – what [...]