How to Be a Good Salesperson: The Key Steps to Take
Good sales reps will effectively earn the respect and the ongoing trust of their prospects. Great ones earn their loyalty, admiration, and new referrals. Good reps handle objections skillfully; great ones preemptively surface the concerns and eliminate them.
Your Sweetheart is at your Workplace
I can gaze into your eyes for hours together, many a times I fail to blink. I do not mind that at all, I can strain as much and would happily take on glasses or contacts but cannot think of a day [...]
3 Ways to Position Your Professional Resume to Land the Interview
Guest Post from Great Resumes Fast Ever worked in more than one industry or more than one position on your way to career super stardom? I thought so. Many of us get trapped by this feeling that our resume has to be [...]
All Things At ONCE
“Some of us are wired for work. It’s in our bones. Some of us are wired for family. And some of us are wired for all of it.” Mika Brezenski in All things at Once. It is tough to strike a balance [...]
How not to be an Intimidating Boss
What type of a boss are you? How do you fare as a boss? Your employees see you as an intimidating manager or a friendly supervisor? And how do you see yourself in your current role? What we all do not like about bossiness is the control and [...]
I’m not Productive Today – 5 Tips to make the best of a Low Day
Have you ever had a day when you felt like nothing was falling in place? A day when the energies are low and there is no motivation or drive? A day when the mind and body are tired and say “no” to [...]
Now this is cool – Simply Hired and LinkedIn Integration
If you are searching for a job and you now the power of networking, what would be the first question that comes to your mind when you see a suitable position advertised for your dream company ABC Inc. and now you want [...]
Important Tips on Seeking Recommendation
Why do you need Recommendation? It's important and often it is a requirement when: Applying for a new job Applying for an undergraduate, graduate school or business school. In fact a full time MBA program for some business schools require two professionally written recommendation letters from your [...]
Micromanaging can be Good for the Team
Usually micromanaging has been seen as detrimental to business management, and rightly so. It implies distrust and tight control which of course who wants to be continually monitored? We thrive in trust and freedom. In business management, micromanagement is a management style [...]
What do we need most – Inspiration or Motivation?
We all hope for something good as the new year begins, better salary at the job, or just keeping the job this year, hoping that the kids do better at school, our savings increase, the DOW stays positive and moving upwards and [...]
How to Conduct Efficient Brainstorming Sessions
"Regular Brainstorming is as critical to an organization as regular exercise to your health. It creates a responsive and innovative culture." ~Tom Kelley You might be a manager at a company, an entrepreneur or a an employee organizing a meeting, you could be starting out on [...]
Some Inspiring Quotes for the NEW YEAR
Inspiration can come from anywhere and as we step into the New Year, we all can do with inspiration, motivation to make our days in another year more worthwhile. Here are some that I would like to share with you:Nothing worthwhile comes [...]
Will our Jobs be more Stressful in 2010?
With a year full of layoffs behind us, it is for sure that the employees worldwide have been affected by more stress at work. And as for the prediction of the New Year 2010, you can kind of expect the jobs to [...]
5 Steps to Overcome Challenges of a Career Change
Career change has been the buzzword ever since the recession hit hard across the globe. There have been reports and articles talking about the new shift in the job scene in this century and a career change might be likely for many [...]
Losing Your Job May Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You – Guest Post
Losing Your Job May Be The Best Thing That Ever Happened To You By Allison Maslan You have heard the story many times. What seems to be a tragedy, such as in an illness, job loss or divorce ends up turning to [...]
Moving towards a Larger Purpose and more Meaningful Career
Have you ever felt that you are in a career or job because you have been doing what you have been doing for quite some time and you are good at it too, not because you like or love what you do [...]
How to avoid the 5 Major Distractions at Work
Emails, phone calls, a colleague drops in wants to go for coffee with you or just general conversations, an impromptu meeting, and again that email pop-up – 2 new emails in your inbox. You hardly realized but these little distractions have taken [...]
What you must know when working with a Medical Condition
When dealing with a persistent medical condition, stress due to a physical problem and work pressure may at times be more than you can handle. You have to cope with the ailment while at work and also might have to adapt a [...]
Financial Planner Licensing in Different Countries
This information is provided by Dr. Greg Nazvanov one of the Australia’s 10 best financial advisers who was interviewed by Careerbright for information on career in Financial Planning. Read the complete interview here. Australia In Australia, the financial planning services are initially [...]
5 Essential things to know when you start your First Job
Congratulations! You are on the way to join your new job, but do not do so before reading these very essential tips. “Welcome Aboard” – Don’t Fall Overboard As a new employee you may find yourself in a “honeymoon” period for [...]
How to be good Employee – lessons from SpongeBob
If you have a young child at home you probably have seen many SpongeBob Squarepants episodes over and over again. Yes, he may sound silly and act childish but SpongeBob has a lot to teach us on how to be a good [...]
Do you have any inappropriate Webpages or Posts we must know about?
Yes of course, this is an interview question! And as the web evolves and how we use the social networking sites or some new applications which would be popping up in the future, the interview questions would add more such questions to [...]
Your Brain at Work
What are your biggest challenges at work? Time management, prioritizing, multitasking, staying cool under pressure, succeeding… and the list goes on. We all want a lot from ourselves and wouldn’t it be nice to know how exactly to achieve what we want. [...]
7 Ways to Deal with a Difficult Coworker
Your workplace might have the best workers and the team dynamics may be the one to envy; but still we all at some point have encountered some workplace friction that might cause unpleasantness. A Workplace can be stressful and since we all [...]
I became a Billionaire when I took the Road less Traveled
Mike and Will were out camping for the long weekend and decided that fine morning to go on a long hike. Will was pretty “on-the-track” guy and was sure that he would stay on the trail all the time. “There’s no use [...]