I don’t get recognized for what I do

“For many years I have put in long hours, including many weekends. I have put my energy and soul into my job and the organization. I have brought profits to the team; but I have never been recognized for it.” AJ said [...]

Which Apps do you use at your Workplace?

Which software applications do you use most frequently at work? A very broad question indeed and it differs from industry to industry, but we all get hooked on to one or more of the ones we get used to, but tomorrow is [...]

How to Negotiate Flexible Work Hours

Many working women think about going part-time due to work-life balance issues, dependent care responsibilities or due to personal problems or preferences. Part-time works or flexible working hours also offers many working mothers a considerable choice to not opt-out of the workforce [...]

How to Deal with a Bad Performance Review

You can't let praise or criticism get to you. It's a weakness to get caught up in either one. ~ John Wooden The first advice: do not react on impulse! Take your time, an hour or even a day or two. Go through [...]

Who is the Happiest Working Mother?

How would you define yourself as a working mother (if you are one)? Happiest, happy, just getting along, overworked and tired, miserable or “don’t know” (the one who has no time to gauge your emotions in the ever rush of getting tasks [...]

When you do what you’d rather not do

In the last one year I have received quite a few advice seeking emails on this very issue “I do what I do because that is what is around, but I do not like it” the reason may varied on why these [...]

How to be a Good Employee – 5 Lessons from the Golden Rules of Buddhism

Procrastination is [moral] defilement, continued procrastination is defilement. By non procrastination [punctuality] and knowledge, root out your darts [of sin]. (Utthana Sutta, v. 4) Get the work done now, meet deadlines and keep your boss posted on the updates. Do not procrastinate. [...]

Layoffs are Detrimental to Marital Health

The struggling economy is hurting many Americans' mental health: Anxiety, depression, sleep problems and money-rooted marital conflicts are growing, experts around the USA say. (Source: ABC News) Is the recession straining marriages? Is more time spent together at home post layoffs resulting [...]

When the World Shrank

What happens when you do not access emails for a month or more, when you don’t find time to blog for more than 50 days, there is no twitter on what you are doing now and no voicemail to respond back too [...]

What do you want to be when you grow up?

Where do you see yourself in your present job say 6 years from now? Where are you at present in regards to your career aspirations? If you are planning a career change what would you rather do – Join another company in similar field [...]

The Jobs of the Future – Got Robots?

I wish I knew what the jobs of tomorrow would be like, want to go on a prediction trail with me? Here is how I start on thinking about what the jobs of the future would be like- how about thinking robotics? [...]

3 Right Ways to make your Skills Marketable

I recently talked about how to manage your schedule post layoff and one of the main topics there was to focus on to make your skills marketable or acquiring a new skill set. In an article in Daily Times PA, an uneasy [...]

How to Move Away from Work During Weekends

A deadline at your workplace is round the corner and you are at pressure to complete the task in the next two weeks. Did you just think: “I’ll work this weekend and get done with it”? If you thought so, you are [...]

Motivation to Work

With the news of layoffs and companies going out of business; your friends getting the pink slips and life getting pressured with the economic tensions; often motivation at work is lost. Or even finding motivation to begin work again is hard to [...]

Online Job Boards can Help during Recession

Online job boards might be most viewed websites these days. With mass layoffs and not much employment in sight there are hundreds and thousands on these job boards scouring through the few jobs and sending resumes to even those with remote possibilities [...]

Give and you shall get

Our true wealth is the good we do in this world. None of us has faith unless we desire for our neighbors what we desire for ourselves. - Muhammad I am inspired today and also deeply appreciate Arianna Huffington’s recent post on [...]

3 Essential Tips on How to get Recognition at Work

Document your Achievements If your efforts at the workplace have resulted in increased revenue for the company or just great salutations from the customers and clients you have every reason to be the on the list of those recognized for their contribution [...]

Goal Setting is Bad for you? uh!

“-- Goals that are too specific often lead employees to develop such a narrow focus that they fail to recognize obvious problems unrelated to the target. -- Likewise, too many goals have what the authors consider an inappropriate time horizon. -- Workers [...]

Trust your Remote Employees – Now you can virtually monitor them

Employers can now trust remote employees more than ever before and employees have more reason to concentrate on work and avoid distractions such as spending time on personal emails or checking in on their online social network now and then. These distractions [...]

Alternatives to a Permanent Full Time Job

The New Year might see more layoffs and less employers hiring, which sure equates to more people out of job and permanent positions would be hard to come by for sometime at least. The alternatives to a permanent full time job include [...]

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