How to Be a Good Salesperson: The Key Steps to Take
Good sales reps will effectively earn the respect and the ongoing trust of their prospects. Great ones earn their loyalty, admiration, and new referrals. Good reps handle objections skillfully; great ones preemptively surface the concerns and eliminate them.
This is how you can Build Better Relations with your Co-workers
Be a team player; build a supportive relationship with co-workers. Good interaction amongst your own group will help in generating good vibes and a good team to work with makes a great place to work in. Offer taking up project responsibilities for [...]
You are not Supposed to be Happy at Work!
Does the title surprise you or does it resonate with your own thoughts on how you feel about the cubicle culture and put-in-long-hours work culture? I most certainly do not endorse this view but was sure surprised to hear it from a [...]
Are the Modern Tools and Gadgets really helping us be Efficient Multitaskers at Managing Work-Life Balance?
Blackberrys, iPhones, video conferencing and other mobile devices.. more and more women are using technology to improve their work life balance and enhance connectivity between work and family. Some time back I was listening to an online interview with an executive mom [...]
What is most Satisfying about your Job?
Are you satisfied in your present job and career? Of the many I have asked this question I got a mix of positive and negative responses, but what was surprising was a large percentage of them had not really taken time to [...]
Is a Career Woman Happier than a Stay at Home Mom?
I often see this query being searched on the web or being asked around - Is a Career Woman Happier than a Stay at Home Mom? How are working women struggling with work-life balance issues? Do they feel satisfied in their career and family [...]
Document your Accomplishments
Being proactive in your present career is one smart move which could bring you exemplary success and satisfaction at work. Documenting your work today shows your diligence towards your career growth. Are you one of those who await your manager’s call on [...]
Career Coaching as an Inherent Strategy for Performance Improvement for all in an Organization
Although career coaching and corporate or executive coaching is catching up a lot faster in the US today and seems to be a trend for this century, it is still not there. The reasons I can guess are because it is not [...]
Is the Second Income worth it?
I often come across couples who firmly believe in this statement, “In Silicon Valley (or elsewhere as well) it is just not possible to thrive (or survive) on a single income; both the parents have to work to meet family needs.” If [...]
Career Rediscovery for a Grandma – Back to College in her 40s
"The man who is too old to learn was probably always too old to learn." ~Henry S. Haskins I got to know Susan at a women’s discussion forum and was impressed when she informed us that after working for around 15 years [...]
Women Leaving the IT Workforce – On the Rise
“Women accounted for 16.6 percent of all network and computer systems administrator positions in 2006, down from 23.4 percent in 2000. At the management level, the imbalance persists. Among computer and IS managers, for example, 27.2 percent were women in 2006.” (Source [...]
Live As If You Don’t Need a Vacation – Guest Article
A balanced life seems to be a tall order these days. A perfectly balanced life is, in fact, unattainable. But step back a minute and think about why balance is worth pursuing at all. For me, the answer is that balance equates [...]
The Mom Entrepreneur at the Start-up Phase – Accelerate with Guidance and Learning
If you are an aspiring mom entrepreneur and are wondering how to proceed with your business plan, then this is an article for you. The start-up phase is the time when you realize that there are so many new things you have [...]
How to Clarify your Career Goals
Many people fail in life, not for lack of ability or brains or even courage but simply because they have never organized their energies around a goal. -- Elbert Hubbard Consider these two questions. If you are looking forward to identifying your [...]
Work-Life Balance – as it means to others
Some tips as it comes from renowned professionals and career women from around the world. Slowing Down is Important In a work-life balance speech by Maria Shriver, California’s first lady says, “Follow your passion but slow down." This advice comes, she said, [...]
Some Cool Statistics – Future Jobs / Careers / People and the Possibilities
Worth a look, if you haven't already -Shift Happens Sideshow PresentationCareerbright - Career Article and Information for Professionals and Working Women
Showing Appreciation at Work
When talking about showing appreciation at work, it is assumed that we must be talking about the employer, or the manager praising or acknowledging the employee. Though appreciation and acknowledgement is an essential aspect of management feedback and helps in maintaining a [...]
7 Tips to help you Work effectively from Home
If you are telecommuting often or have a home-based business here are some great tips that will help you remain focused and organized. Have a dedicated space to work. If you have children at home, make sure they are being taken care [...]
Feeling Stuck – Are you in a Job you would rather not be in?
Any of these statements resonates with your thoughts? Ah Monday morning, another day, another start to a week, the 9-5 that I would rather not be in! I am just not performing to the best of my abilities at work? I could [...]
Résumé Tips – for Women Re-entering Work
First thing you must know when writing your resume - It is alright if you have a conspicuous employment gap in your resume. Your resume must focus on how best you would serve the requirements for the job you aspire for. Your [...]
Healthy Lunch for a Working Mother
The family and the world needs a healthy mother. With the working mother already stressed out with taking care of the family and work, she must do her best to find time to care for herself and maintaining a healthy diet all [...]
Gen Y, Gen X and the Baby Boomers – @ Work Together
With the Millennial generation being the newcomers to the workplace, the 21st century is witnessing the coming together of these three generation at workplace. How different would it be working with different generations? Should the new Generation @ Work be treated differently [...]
What does a Working Mother want?
What does mom want on Mother’s Day? As we approach the mother’s day, you could be wondering what your mother wants or how you can make her day by gifting her what she will truly cherish. Material gifts apart, I am thinking [...]
5 Tips to help you beat the Fear of Interviews
“Thinking of the interview or the forthcoming presentations makes my hands and legs tremble, I feel nervous and cannot breathe easily.” It is not uncommon to experience fear or anxiety before an interview, but since the interview process is your gateway to [...]
Bringing Negative Emotions to Work
How do you behave at work when you bring in a bad mood from home? How do negative emotions affect your performance at work? How do you manage unfavorable feedback from your manager? Do you tend to neutralize the negative affects by [...]