Why Employee Recognition is Important for Business Performance [Infographic]

Employee recognition is the well-timed, informal or formal acknowledgement of a person’s or team’s behavior, effort or business result that supports the organisation’s goals and values, and which has clearly been beyond normal expectations. Employees like to feel valued and appreciated for what they do. When employees commit to working for an organisation, they like to feel like they are part of a team and family. In many cases, they spend more time with co-workers than they do with most other people in their lives. Recognizing the contributions employees make to an organisation helps solidify relationships, fosters employee engagement and loyalty to the organisation. To be really effective in your job, understanding the psychology of praising others for their good work is of the utmost importance.

When hard work goes unrecognized, why would anyone feel inclined to repeat the positive behaviors they exemplified to deliver those results again? In any workplace, experiences like these are extremely detrimental when it comes to employee engagement. But the repercussions are equally damaging for leadership. When management fails to recognise employee’s accomplishments, they decrease their reputability. This means that they are not seen as a team player, which affects their ability to retain top performers and to recruit great talent in the future. In the below infographic produced by Davitt Corporate Partners, we can see why employee recognition is so important for your businesses performance.


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