When Is Your Business Not a Startup Anymore?

Startups are businesses or enterprises that are focused around a particular product or service that the entrepreneurs intend to sell. These businesses usually lack a completely established business plan and, most importantly, sufficient retargets to advance to the next stage of development.

Where does a startup stop being a startup and start acting like some other company? When does the creative, young, and groundbreaking startup stop being calling a startup?

It’s similar to updating your phone’s operating software when a startup becomes a regular business. It occurs when new enhancements are added that go overlooked by the general population, who believe everything is all the same. The entrepreneurship industry in whole world  has grown at an abnormally fast rate in recent years, with new startups ranging from tech to biotech making waves around the world. A startup is characterized by a small team of less than 100 young, ambitious, creative, and disruptive people, a business atmosphere, a casual work climate, employee relationships, and a focus on the client.

When a startup leaps, a number of quantitative and qualitative considerations come into play. The term “startup” in the corporate world refers to a venture that is just getting off the ground. A startup is often an enterprise that is traditionally technology-oriented and has a high potential for success. Startups face specific challenges, especially in terms of funding. This is because investors want the best possible return on investment when managing the risks involved. If you are living in Geelong you can seek help from Geelong based tax accountant.

Following are the factors that make your startup a business:

Size of a Team

Your company’s team size is growing and has passed the 100-employee mark, so you’ve entered common company/corporate culture. With market development and advancement, the size of service expands as well, necessitating the creation of new divisions and workers to accommodate the expanded workload. Applying this idea to startups, we might conclude that if a company can find a niche for its products/services and sell them, it begins to evolve and develop, necessitating the creation of specialized teams with qualified personnel to keep up with the supply and demand chain.

When a startup is able to recruit top talent with experience and pay a competitive wage, it means the business is profitable and has achieved an equilibrium stage of growth. It may be through a staff augmentation process that seeks specialized skills or address gaps in expertise within the existing team. This scenario demonstrates how a startup is transforming into a regular business as its staffing capability grows.

Growth and Establishment

When a company reaches 10 years of existence or reaches a revenue of 100 crores, it ceases to be a startup. However, any startup that avoids looking, innovating, researching, and developing in favor of selling becomes a typical business.

When a startup achieves a minimum number of workers, sales, or market size that is visible, recognizable, or important for its business, it is no longer considered a startup. For example, a public relations company could be called post-startup with just a half-dozen workers and a million dollars in sales, while a car maker could reach billions of dollars in revenue and thousands of employees before being considered a non-startup in its business.


Communication is important. Startups provide informal contact networks, however when a company’s daily work becomes complicated enough to necessitate structured communication mechanisms, it’s no longer a startup. Random messages and emails are no longer adequate as a business matures out of startup phase. MindSea, for example, instituted structured monthly one-on-one meetings and established dedicated networks for inter-departmental reviews. When the days of yelling around the room to ask the CEO, a question are over, that means the organization has grown beyond its startup roots.


Startups are businesses that do not have a scalable business plan. As a company can collect seed or angel funds (primary level funding) as well as two rounds of private equity or venture capital funding, it is no longer considered a startup because it has developed a scalable business model and is on the way to expansion and steady growth.


Other companies that are unable to succeed in the market are purchased by financially successful and rising companies in order to expand and create a more solid and stronger brand presence in the marketplace. Startups are often seen as ordinary businesses when they enter the industry of buying other weaker firms because of their autonomous financial standing and growth vision. Making acquisitions means trying to outperform and take market share from your competitors in order to create a massive corporate presence, which is difficult to achieve if your company is already in the early stages.

If you hit scale, even if the concept of scale is subjective, you are no longer a startup. Scale is usually defined in terms of sales, number of jobs, and value, but it can also be defined in terms of age, with businesses older than 5 years being considered no longer startups.

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