

All the essential tips and advice for the budding entrepreneurs.

“There is only one success- to be able to spend your life in your own way.” – Christopher Morley

10 Striking Points the Venture Capitalists want you to Present in your Pitch

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You have a great idea, you just launched a company, or you are already in the beta phase with 100 plus customers. It’s time to look for funding to expand and test out wider greener horizons. Getting your pitch ready to reach out to the VCs or angel investors is your first step to get noticed [...]

3 Ways to use Social Media Campaigns that help Franchise Owners reach out to Customers

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Since most franchise owners are used to mail and phone advertising it is not easy for them to adapt to the social media marketing campaigns for their business. With little time at hand these tips can come in handy if you are a busy franchise owner and want to grab the attention of millions who are [...]

What should you know legally to expand your staff?

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To answer this question perhaps the best retarget would be entrepreneur.com and I did find a great article which walks you through the process: When and How to Hire Additional Employees Some insightful answers were on Twitter’s #wgbiz a chat hosted monthly by Shonali Burke (@Shonali) of Women Grow Business. Some of the tips gathered from [...]

Top Founders’ Advice for New Entrepreneurs

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Guest Post by Robert Jordan Want to know how some of America’s most successful entrepreneurs made it? Here are some jolts of inspiration and shots of courage fornew business owners, gleaned from interviews with 45 of America’s leading company founders. Too little funding forces discipline. The upside of having too little funding is that your business can grow [...]

5 Common Misconceptions About Starting Your Own Business

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Starting your own business is extremely appealing for a lot of reasons. Being your own boss, running things the way you want to, and doing something you love are key reasons why people seriously consider making the immense investment in time and money -- and taking on the significant risk of failure. This risk can be [...]

Tweezerman’s Lessons on Entrepreneurship – I Failed, to get Ahead

|Categories: Book Reviews, Entrepreneurship|Tags: , , , , |

Nothing happens unless first a dream. – Carl Sandburg The important part of dreaming is what you do when you wake up. – Dal LaMagna Raising Eyebrows-A Failed Entrepreneur Finally Gets it Right is a must-read book on entrepreneurship lessons from Dal LaMagna, popularly known as the founder of Tweezerman. The story takes you on the [...]


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