Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Jobseekers: How to Turn a Rejection into an Opportunity?

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Rejection. It stings, doesn't it? Especially in the job hunt. That polite email, the silent phone, the "we've decided to move forward with other candidates" – it can feel like a personal indictment. But what if I told you that rejection isn't a dead end? What if it's actually a launchpad? The Myth of Perfect Fit [...]

What Job Seekers Should Know Before Accepting an Offer

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How to know a company would be great to work for There are three qualities that distinguish great companies from average ones: leadership engagement, employee recruitment and customer satisfaction. Leadership engagement means the leader is visible and accessible both externally and internally. Some leaders are good at showing up at popular or public events, but they [...]

Just Embarking on Your Career – How to Convince Your Interviewer that You’re Worth the Risk

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This is an article by Vicky Oliver Now that you’ve earned your certificate or degree, you’re ready to find the paid position of your dreams. Yet your resume shows only seasonal jobs, and most of your potential career experience comes only from classroom work. How do you convince that first-choice employer to give you a chance? [...]

How To Tailor Your Resume For Each Job Application

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Crafting a resume that catches the eye of potential employers is a critical step in the job application process. It’s the first impression you make, highlighting your skills, experience, and fit for the role you’re applying for. Tailoring your resume for each job application may seem time-consuming, but it significantly increases your chances of landing an [...]

Navigating the AI Job Landscape: Industries at the Forefront of Hiring in 2024

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While AI does lead to the automation of certain tasks, it simultaneously creates a demand for human skills in developing, managing, and overseeing AI systems. The presence and swift integration of AI will inherently generate a need for employment opportunities within that domain. As businesses explore avenues to leverage the effectiveness and financial advantages of AI [...]

Effective Strategies to Use When Searching for a Job Through Recruiting Companies

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Most companies need a significant online presence to compete in today’s market, and as such, are more likely to promote their services through the internet. This also extends to the job market, where the vast majority of available jobs are advertised on some form of online job site. Yet, with so many recruiting companies providing different [...]


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