Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

UK Apprenticeships see a 50% Decline due to Coronavirus

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A new study from Small Business Prices has analysed the best industries for apprenticeships, the highest-rated employers for apprenticeships, as well as how these have been affected by Covid-19 Small Business Prices has created a study looking at the best industries for apprentices. The data analyses the number of apprenticeship starts and completions for different courses, the best and worst [...]

4 Ways to Address your Shortcomings at an Interview

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A shortcoming is an imperfection or a failure to meet a certain standard. When applying for a job, it is very unlikely that the candidate would meet all the requirements and expectations in terms of skills or experience. Almost all applicants for a certain job will have some degree of shortcoming varying from lack of experience, [...]

7 Things You Should Always Mention on an Accounting Resume

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Are you looking for your first — or next — great accounting job? The job outlook for accounting is strong and there’s a wide variety of accounting roles to fill. It’s still a competitive landscape and you want to do all you can to stand out and keep your resume out of “the pile.” There are [...]

Career Change at 30: A How-To Guide on Going Back to School

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Are you looking to make a career change at 30, but aren't sure where to get started? While it may feel like a big risk to make a career change at 30, the truth is, this is the perfect age to do so. By the time you're 30, you'll have a lot better idea of what [...]

The Ultimate Guide To Accepting A Job Offer

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This is a guest post by Sara Drake. Accepting a job goes beyond simply saying yes. Leaving a current employer on good terms and researching the kind of workplace you’d thrive in takes time. However, acing the application process is an opportunity to showcase your talents and lead with your strengths. Whether it’s an entry-level job [...]

How Is a Cover Letter Different From a Resume?

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Applying for a job can be a more difficult task than many of us give it credit for. There's a lot of work that goes into crafting a perfect application, especially if you are new to the modern job market as a whole. There might be a bit of a learning curve to putting together a representation [...]


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