Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Want to Make a Difference? Try These Jobs Where You Help People

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Many people choose career paths based on the potential financial gain, such as advertising or the law. Others seek career paths that can provide them with benefits like personal fulfillment and well-being. Pursuing this second path often means choosing jobs where you help people. There are obvious choices like firefighting or emergency services, but these involve [...]

Five Tips for Making the Most of Choosing a Career Based on Money

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A lot of career advice centers around following your passion. That doesn’t always pay the bills. Don’t feel bad if you chose your career based on how much money you can make instead. It’s a perfectly smart reason to choose a job. Unfortunately, it can be difficult on your mental health in the long run. The [...]

eBay, Apple and Facebook named the highest paying brands for employees

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Small Business Prices has analysed the world’s 100 most renowned brands to reveal which offer the best average salary, how big they are on different social media platforms and how often they’ve been reviewed by their employees and customers. June 2020: Small Business Prices has revealed the top 10 best brands for customers and employees. The [...]

How To Interview Your Employer To See If You’ll Be A Good Fit

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Among the employees who indicate they are looking to leave their current employer, they cite culture as the main reason for leaving. Cultural fit is now deemed as a crucial part of hiring. Many employers are now sharing personality assessment tests to candidates to better separate out the ones who will integrate better. Culture is shaped by [...]

To Land a Job Now and Post Pandemic, be Different than your Peers

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This is a guest post by Stan Silverman Due to the economic uncertainty caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, many employers have put a freeze on hiring unless they are searching for individuals with the skills to fill infrastructure or other critical positions. The key to landing a job regardless of economic times is to be different [...]


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