Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search.
““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
4 Creative Branding Strategies You Need to Land Your Dream Job
This is a guest post by Karyn Mullins. The social impact job market isn’t getting any less crowded, making it harder to stand out among the competition. Not to mention, the abyss of applicant tracking systems (ATS) is getting bigger and more likely to swallow your resume so you are forever lost in a sea of candidates. [...]
7 Things You Need to Do after an Interview
Job search is stressful, but what's more stressful is waiting for for the outcome after an interview. For people looking for a job in the health care industry, the interview stage of a job application is the most challenging part of the entire ordeal. However, you have to understand that your evaluation doesn't stop as soon [...]
4 Tips To A Smarter Job Search That Can Get You More Job Offers
It’s a bit of an understatement to say that job search and landing a job that you truly want is difficult. However, it’s not impossible to succeed at securing job interviews if you get your resume, cover letter, and application just right. At this point, you should know the right way to make a resume, but [...]
Your Job Search Is Wrong, And You Don’t Even Know It!
The landscape of job searching has changed so much over the last 10 years it's hardly recognizable. Email applications, online agencies and commercial networking sites all act together to make it a whole different animal than it used to be. Unfortunately, that means a lot of folks are going about their job search and application process [...]
The Best Places to Work in the Bay Area
"Even though the Bay Area is known to be the mecca of technology and for its engineers, we find it interesting that many companies from a range of industries and employing range of professionals are ranked as favorable places to work in the area," said Indeed SVP of Product, Raj Mukherjee. "Employees are universally happier with an overall enjoyable [...]
Fielding Job Interview Questions from Another Galaxy
This is a guest post by Vicky Oliver. Ask your friends and colleagues if they've ever had to field an off-the-wall question at a job interview, and chances are they'll come up with one, or many. Why is it that so many interviewers throw out fabricated questions that seem to have no earthly relevance to the [...]