Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Starting Again When You’ve Been Raising A Family

|Categories: Job Search|

It’s always a hard decision to take time out to raise a family just as your career gets started. Becoming a parent really does shift your priorities. You might take just a few months, or find it better suits you to stay off work until your kids all reach school-age. This isn’t an unusual choice, but [...]

5 Jobs for People with People Skills

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Did people ever describe you as extroverted growing up? Maybe you think of yourself as the glue that holds your various social circles together? Without you, would they ever get together? If you answered yes to these questions, chances are good you are a people person. Looking to cash in on your people skills? The time [...]

Job Rejection? Here’s What Went Wrong

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Why was I rejected after the job interview? Was it me, or was it them? Sometimes when you apply for a job you do so more in hope than expectation. Perhaps you don’t have quite enough experience, but you thought it was worth giving it a go. In this situation, being rejected may be disappointing, but [...]

How Experience, Skills, and Qualification Matter in Your Jobsearch

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The experience and skills you build in your career play an obvious role in crafting a resume that has the kind of impact you want employers to find. However, there’s a difference between experience, skill, and qualification. We’re talking about the kind of qualifications that add a title to your name or give you something to [...]


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