Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search.
““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
5 Tips for Writing an Effective Cover Letter
It is not enough to write a great CV and hope to get the job. There's a lot that goes before your CV might read. An impressive cover letter is one of them. These days there is so much competition for jobs that your cover letter has to be as sharp, engaging and interesting, all whilst shining [...]
Starting a Job Search: 5 Questions to Ask Yourself First
This is a guest post by Diane Nicholas of WK Advisors When faced with the prospect of looking for a new job, most people update their resume and send it to a few job postings that look interesting. Then they sit back and wait. This process may eventually get you a job but it is slow, [...]
The Evolution of the Job Interview [Infographic]
Job interviews have undergone a major transformation since the days of inherited careers and apprenticeships turned full-time jobs. As the work world continues to grow and change with the latest technologies and innovations, so must the job interview. Long gone are the days of relying on references and questions to evaluate job candidates. Today’s interview process [...]
Can Online Training Courses Give Your CV the Edge?
In such a highly competitive jobs market, finding your dream job (or even just getting that initial step on the ladder) can prove difficult; especially for most graduates. As a result, many graduates are now thinking about how they can make their CVs stand out from the crowd of applicants. This blog post will look at [...]
The Insider’s Guide to Asking Brilliant Questions, Slaying Your Competition, and Winning the Job
Congratulations! You did it! You landed an interview for a sought-after position at a top-notch company. You've heard that the competition will be fierce. There could be as many as 10 people competing for that coveted slot. Do any of them have insider knowledge of the company? Is one of them the manager's nephew? Although your [...]
Things to Consider Before Accepting a Job Offer
Receiving a job offer is an exciting occasion. With today’s tough market, accepting the position could be a knee-jerk reaction. But before committing yourself to the new company, think long and hard about a number of work-related aspects. Sometimes these aspects are overlooked. For some, these easily made decisions turn out to be long-term regrets as [...]