Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Inspiration During your Job Search

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Job Search can be stressful and take much longer that you expect. It's not easy to go through the pressure at times. Success comes to those who keep going, positively, enthusiastically and with a plan. Here are some inspiring sayings that might motivate you or help carry on when the going gets tough: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Don't Quit [...]

Higher Education gets you Hired – Faster Better

|Categories: Job Search|Tags: |

“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ~ Malcolm X Education is very important in the present job market or for the skills required for the future. For better career options, a stronger likelihood of getting hired and a higher salary, amongst other benefits, consider getting [...]


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