Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Higher Education gets you Hired – Faster Better

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“Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” ~ Malcolm X Education is very important in the present job market or for the skills required for the future. For better career options, a stronger likelihood of getting hired and a higher salary, amongst other benefits, consider getting [...]

Searching for a Job? How to Make Social Media Work for You

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In management studies, students are always told to get in the consumer's shoes. When you know what your audience wants, it's much easier to deliver directly to their expectations. Getting hired is a similar process. When you go out there in the market, you are essentially selling yourself to the recruiter. A typical day of a [...]

Looking Beyond the Job Description – Research the Company well before the Interview

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Matching your career path with a company that'll take you part-way along the route is little more than a gamble if you don't do the research. It's all about best fit, for you and the company. The more you find out prior to joining a company then the less likely you'll find yourself parked in some [...]

Looking for a Green Tech Job? Move to One of These States

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There's an international focus on growing renewable energy and cutting back on emissions. With government funding and private sector investment, the green energy is quickly growing to satisfy global requirements—and so are the job opportunities. Regardless of whether you’re a new grad or a seasoned veteran of the workforce, employers are looking to hire tech talent [...]

The Era of Creative Resumes

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This Guest Post is by Kukook Resumes Writing a Modern Resume This is an era of modernity and creativity. People enjoy seeing new and innovative ways to showcase information. So is the case with your resume. How you are dressed, how you speak, and your confidence level all matter during an interview. Similarly, your resume is [...]


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