Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

10 Mistakes Job Seekers Make and How to Avoid Them

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Career Coach and Author Ford R. Myers Highlights 10 Little-known but Deadly Mistakes That Can Stop a Job Search Dead in its Tracks! Many people make significant job search mistakes and never even realize it. These blunders are easy to make ... and they can end up costing you thousands of dollars. Ford R. Myers, Career [...]

1 in 6 Jobseekers Tribute Social Media for Helping them in their #JobSearch [Infographic]

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Social Media has changed how business is done and the future of work and business depends largely on how we leverage it in near future. The game is changing and those who adopt and learn fast from the new trends are the ones who will benefit most from these winds of change. Quoting Social media [...]

Informal Sector Hire Challenges: HR Speaks

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Recruiting and managing informal sector workers in India has proven to be a difficult task for many employers across India. In spite of this, recent interviews with Bangalore employers show that there are ways to engage with and keep informal sector workers happy during their employment.  A few easy steps can help build a positive relationship [...]

5 Tips for Picking the Right Format and Font for Your Resume

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There are so many things that you have to pay attention to with your resume. Is it error-free? Do you sell yourself enough? Should you keep that job in that doesn't really fit because it fills a gap, or remove it? Objective or no objective? With all of those concerns, you probably aren't thinking all that [...]

4 Social Media Tips to Help you Stand Out in your #JobSearch [Infographic]

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Majority of organizations today are using social media for recruitment. It is important to be savvy about what you must know of and what needs to be done better when using social media for job search. Here's an infographic by  Joshua Waldman which shows some strategies to include in your job search today:    

Don’t Blow it! Thank your Interviewers, all of them

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Similar to a first date that went well, you need to follow up an interview with some sort of correspondence. But what do you say and how do you say it? Assuming that you did your research about the position and the company before your interview, the thank you note is easier than you think. Here [...]


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