Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Don’t Blow it! Thank your Interviewers, all of them

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Similar to a first date that went well, you need to follow up an interview with some sort of correspondence. But what do you say and how do you say it? Assuming that you did your research about the position and the company before your interview, the thank you note is easier than you think. Here [...]

3 Tips New Graduates can use to Prepare an Elevator Pitch during JobSearch

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What is an Elevator Pitch? An elevator pitch is a quick, succinct summary of your message, achievements, or goals delivered in an authentic style that conveys your message effectively.   What do you want to achieve through an elevator pitch? The goal of an elevator speech is to pique the listener's interest and make them want to [...]

How to Find a Job Tailored to Your Strengths

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When it comes to finding a job, you should always try to focus on one that can complement your strengths and talents. Although there is nothing wrong with accepting any job you can handle, one that involves using your abilities specifically could be rewarding in a variety of ways. Even menial jobs that you plan on [...]

Why Engineering Staffing Firms can prove to be a Blessing for Job Seekers

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It is a rather common sight to see people running behind job opportunities at every nook and corner of the globe. But is it really worth the run? Do you actually think that knocking at the doors of a few engineering firms will land you in the perfect job? Well pretty much a big No to [...]

How to Introduce Yourself at a Job Interview

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Introduce yourself by stating your name, the position you are interviewing for, and a brief summary of your relevant qualifications. Speak in a clear, confident, and professional manner. If you are interviewing over Zoom or MS Teams etc., check with your interviewer if they can hear you. The first thing you could talk about is your [...]

How the Interview Process has Changed in the Last Five Years

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"Job seekers forced to jump through more hiring hoops as interview process lengthens by 27%" Jobseekers are taking more time to getting hired, the frustrations of the lengthy interview process are rising, employers are more choosy and the interview preparations are never enough! Though not all is bad about the new age interview process there's no doubt the preferences [...]


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