Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search.
““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
Job Interviewing 101: How to Succeed in Different Situations
Did you know the average employer may receive upwards of 100 applications per job opening? In addition, even if an applicant does land an interview, it can be difficult to navigate through the process since every interviewer is different. So, how can job seekers ensure they are reading each situation correctly? This infographic, compiled by Interview Success [...]
Top 4 Things That Recruiters Look For On Your Resume
Does your resume pass the 15-seconds-or-less scan? Besides basic spell-checking, how can you ensure you have a memorable resume? Well, the experience section is arguably the most important section on your resume. Most recruiters will be spending the majority of their time with their eyes glued on this section. Here are the top 4 items that [...]
4 Step Process a New Job Seeker must Follow for Job Search Success this Year
Statistically, as a job seeker in 2013, you’re swimming against a very strong current. And there are thousands of others trying to swim in the same water. More people are graduating from college and entering the job market, and many are going on to get their master’s degrees. This is a guest post by Liam Garcia. [...]
Why job candidates must develop their Value Added Proposition (VAP)
The person who gets the job is not the most qualified for the job; it’s the person who is the most qualified at getting a job! This is a guest post by Darnell Clarke. If you don’t remember anything else, remember that quote! Your resume was created and submitted for only one reason; TO GET AN INTERVIEW! [...]
Dressing up for an Interview
Tips for dressing up an interview are all over the place and even though you may have been to many interviews it's very often the case that you stand in front of your wardrobe and think, “I have nothing to wear for this interview.” Or, “Would this be appropriate?” I remember my job interview many years [...]
Interview Day Stress – How to Avoid Nerves on Your Big Day
The more prepared I am, the more I'll be in control, less nervous, less stressed and more focused. ~ Marilu Henner We have all been there, the big day has finally come around and you have an interview with a dream employer. As someone who has been through a lot of interviews, I have experienced interview jitters. [...]