Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

A Mother Re-enters the IT Workforce – A Success Story

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Susan B., a former IT professional chose to stay home with her young children for around 5 years before re-entering the workforce. Even though she did her best to keep her skills current and even got a technical certification that is very much in demand, during her time being a stay-at-home mom, she found her experience [...]

Job Seekers: Do’s And Don’ts Of Saying “Thank You”

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In step with Thanksgiving tradition, many of us are reflecting on little ways that we can express how thankful we are. But don’t save your reflection of gratitude just for the moments prior to digging into your Thanksgiving dinner, use this opportunity to turn your job search around by setting yourself apart from the competition with [...]

Top Interview Question – Why do you want to join this position?

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How would you answer this question: Why do you want this job or why do you want to work for us? This for sure is one of the top interview questions at most job interviews and has a kind of ‘make-it’ or ‘break-it’ halo to it.   What the interviewer really wants to know Has this [...]


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