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““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
9 Tips for Acing the Job Interview for Returning Veterans
With high unemployment rate for returning veterans, here are nine tips that you can use to ace your next job interview Guest Post by Jim Camp There's bad news and good news for post 9/11 returning veterans, known as the Gulf War Era II vets. The government's October 2012 employment figures show that the unemployment rate [...]
5 Steps to Landing a Job by Thanksgiving
This is a guest post by Vicky Oliver According to employment experts, our economy is enjoying "modest improvement." The BLS has the unemployment number hovering at 8.1 percent, which is better than this time last year, when it was at 9.1 percent, and significantly better than in October 2009, when it hit a record 10 percent. [...]
Sample Post Interview Thank You Letter
An interview is an opportunity to get your foot in the door and with a smart follow-up you open up the passage to establishing a positive rapport with your interviewer(s). Simply put - It just pays to follow-up the right way after an interview; it’s not optional – it is a required etiquette that might make [...]
5 Quick Tips to an Attention-getting Resume
"If you find that your resume isn't getting the results you want, change it! Your resume is a 'living document' that will be edited and updated through the course of your job search and your entire career," Ford R. Myers, career coach, speaker and author of "Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring," [...]
How to Research a Company before a Job Interview
"Hiring managers are generally skeptical of millennials’ research skills, and 62% said it hurts them in an interview when they have not done enough research or preparation on the company and position." - Forbes article Top 5 Interview Mistakes Millennials Make The employers have 'searched' you online - but have you taken time to research [...]
An Insight into Social Networking Screening on Job Applicants
With people spending more and more time out of their day on social networking the amount of personal information that a person unravels on websites such as Facebook and Twitter is unprecedented. But how can social media serve a purpose in the recruitment industry? A recent study conducted by Reppler and Lab 42, found that [...]