Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

A Grads Guide to Sincere Networking for a Faster #Jobsearch

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Finding a job in a down economy is tough. According to recent statistics, roughly 53 percent of college grads are either unemployed or underemployed, and these are some of the highest rates in the past 11 years. Finding a job after college is important not only for making a living, but also for paying off the [...]

The ‘Bridge Job Strategy’ helps JobSeekers Earn money while in Career Transition

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Part-time or flexible work can fill the gap until the next job is obtained.  If you're out of work now, what part-time or flexible work could you do to fill the gap until you land the job you want? If you're fully-employed, but concerned about losing your job, what sort of opportunities could you pursue to [...]

Top Growth Industries that Offer Best Chances for Employment

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During the Great Recession of the 21st Century, more than 12 million jobs were lost from the American economy, according to U.S. News and World Reports, citing a report from the Brookings Institution and the Hamilton Project.  Job seekers who were able to find work often had to settle for less money – the average wages [...]

A Checklist for New Grads Entering the Workforce

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The United States labor market is not as strong as it was prior to the recession, but according to Bloomberg’s Businessweek, those who graduated in 2011 saw better hiring results than those who graduated in 2010 and 2009. As the unemployment rate continues to decline, 2012 graduates should have an even more positive career picture. However, [...]

3 Reasons Why Working at a Start-up can be a Great Career Choice

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Silicon Valley Bank, in a survey of startup companies nationwide, found that while the vast majority (87%) of startups are hiring, equal numbers are struggling to find enough people with the skills they need to grow. - Startups need intelligent people eager to innovate, learn and work hard. For young job seekers, new grads with [...]


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