Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

How Interviewees can use the Psychology of Empathy to their Advantage

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This is a guest post by Andrianes Pinantoan. About 20 years ago, Ryan White, a young teenager of 13 years was diagnosed with HIV. He contracted HIV, not because he was a frivolous individual. Instead, he was born with a genetic disorder called haemophilia, which required him to go through frequent blood transfusions - and one [...]

How to use your Experiences and Transferable Skills in your Resume

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March 8th is the 101st celebration of International Women's Day (  Each year, thousands of events occur around the world to mark the economic, political and social achievements of women. For female job seekers who have been out of the paid workforce for a period of time --  yet have been performing valuable, non-paid work -- [...]

Tactics for Multilingual Job Seekers

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If you are multilingual then you can consider yourself to be in an advantageous position. I know this because I speak the Dutch, German and English language fluently and I believe that this has helped me with my job search significantly. I used these three languages as my unique selling point and am convinced that you [...]

The Best Job Search Websites and Apps for New Graduates

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New grads are facing one of the toughest time after graduation finding the right job. There are more fresh graduates and fewer jobs in market – and with more experienced workforce ready to take on the entry-level jobs, the competition has never been tougher. 77% of job seekers are using mobile job apps ~ @payscale Since [...]

How to Naturally Perform Better at Job Interviews

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There's no shortage of tips on how to perform better during a job interview. Subsequently, come interview time you're thinking more about the advice itself than how to come off as a viable candidate. To avoid this, consider natural ways to perform better in an interview. Essentially this means doing things that really have no connection [...]


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