Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search.
““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
Craigslist – The Best Bet for Entry Level Job Seekers
Employers report that they will hire 19 percent more new college graduates this year than they did last year, according to a new survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers (NACE). Are you ready to apply for the entry level positions now but wondering where and what job boards online would be the [...]
Top New Mobile Apps for Job Seekers
The game plan in today’s job search process begins with knowing how to have an edge over the other thousand applicants for that open position. And although there is a lot of knowledge and advice on the internet, there’s someone somewhere trying to make it easier for you to ace your job hunt. If you were [...]
Making a Single Page Resume or Proposal Stand-out
Should I hire a resume writer or just edit on my own? Is 1 page or 2 page resume good for me? What are the unique elements I must add to make my resume stand-out? The answers to these questions are out there, but how many of us are really satisfied with our resume? Can we [...]
5 Effective Tips on Using Alumni Connection for a Faster Job Search
You’re a new university grad, or would be graduating in the next couple of years – one must-do on your job search plan is to know how to leverage the alumni network. Here are 5 tips that you must implement now to ensure a faster and effective job search. Alumni Directory Search the Alumni Directory [...]
5 Steps to Green your Job Search
Eco-consciousness is not a fad, it is a continuous way of life; and if you are a "green" conscious person you'd better apply your environment friendly habits to your job search. Or just send these tips to those who value supporting a healthy environment and living! Here’s how you can be a “green” eco-conscious job searcher: Green Printing Print [...]
When is the Right Time to Stop looking for a Job
How many months have you been job searching? Years? When do you know it is time to stop looking? Or is this even true – stop looking for a job when you really need one to make a living. With a downward trending job market and layoffs still looming large the struggle to get back to [...]