Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search.
““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot – Helping you Win your Job Hunt!
Is this yet another job board or a website as others or the much needed online assistance service which can really guide me through the #jobsearch process? What is and what does it offer to help me in my job hunt - effectively? Careerbright in an interview with Laura James, Head of Content at Inside [...]
The Right way to Focus your Time on Internet Job Postings
Did you know that only one job in ten is ever advertised? And only one in ten of those is any good! That nets out to about one percent of job postings that are worthwhile. Ford R. Myers, Career Coach, Speaker and Author of "Get The Job You Want, Even When No One's Hiring," (John Wiley & Sons, [...]
4 Job Search Strategies for Mature Workers
Guest post by: Career Coach, Speaker and Author Ford R. Myers Offers Practical Job Search Strategies for Individuals of Any Age Despite U.S. unemployment rates that hover around 10 percent, one segment of the population is not being hit as hard: employees age 55-plus. At its peak in December 2009, the unemployment rate for this group was 7.2 [...]
Is it a Good Time for a Job Change?
This is a guest post by April Davis. There comes a point in every professional’s life when they consider changing jobs; the reasons are varied – it could be that they want more money, that they’re not satisfied with their current job and/or the workplace environment, or that it’s more convenient to move to a new [...]
4 Tips for Transitioning from an Office Job to a Freelance Career
People are tired of not having control of their careers. Freelancing let's them try entrepreneurship without total commitment. ~ Career Coach Meg Montford (Twitter #tchat) This guest post is contributed by Alisa Gilbert. As pointed out on this blog and others, freelancing is increasingly becoming the employment way of the future. Since more and more work [...]
Career Development Faster with an Online Degree – Is There one for You?
When I was a young school age kid growing up in a home of teacher parents it was only with ridicule that we would greet the often heard stories that soon the concept of traditional brick and mortar universities would be a bygone era. Universities would offer all courses online, virtual teachers would be the new [...]