Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

Now this is cool – Simply Hired and LinkedIn Integration

|Categories: Career Self-Help, Career Woman, Job Search|Tags: , , |

If you are searching for a job and you now the power of networking, what would be the first question that comes to your mind when you see a suitable position advertised for your dream company ABC Inc. and now you want to apply right away? Answer: Do I know someone who is currently at ABC [...]

Latest News on Employment from the US

|Categories: Employment News|Tags: , |

Here is a compilation of some recent news on job/employment news from the country. From CNBC: Green Jobs Success Will Take Major, Long-Term Commitment By Trevor Curwin,, Special to 19 Jan 2010 The Obama administration may be tempted to wage a two-front war on climate change and joblessness by pushing for green jobs in the [...]

Important Tips on Seeking Recommendation

|Categories: Career Self-Help, Job Search|Tags: , , , , , , , |

Why do you need Recommendation? It's important and often it is a requirement when: Applying for a new job Applying for an undergraduate, graduate school or business school. In fact a full time MBA program for some business schools require two professionally written recommendation letters from your supervisor or clients. (See an example of a MBA program request for recommendation letter [...]

5 Steps to Overcome Challenges of a Career Change

|Categories: Career Self-Help, Job Search|Tags: , , , , |

Career change has been the buzzword ever since the recession hit hard across the globe. There have been reports and articles talking about the new shift in the job scene in this century and a career change might be likely for many of us to get moving with the flow. These are the times when we [...]

Do you have any inappropriate Webpages or Posts we must know about?

|Categories: Career Self-Help, Job Search, Work Smarter|Tags: , , , |

Yes of course, this is an interview question! And as the web evolves and how we use the social networking sites or some new applications which would be popping up in the future, the interview questions would add more such questions to the list. If your answer is no, then there is not much to fear [...]


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