Job Search2020-09-04T10:51:45-04:00


Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search. 

“It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot

NFL Director of Fandemonium Search Contest

|Categories: Job Search|Tags: , |

In a nod to cubicle daydreams everywhere, launched the kick-off of an unprecedented NFL Director of Fandemonium search contest. The search is underway, with Monster accepting applications into a pool that will be narrowed down to 32 candidates who will vie for this once-in-a-lifetime position; a role that will offer a signing bonus of $100,000 [...]

How to Generate Income and stay Positive when you have no Job – Part 2

|Categories: Career Self-Help, Entrepreneurship, Job Search, Layoff|Tags: , , , , , |

In part 1 of this article you have read about how to remain positive in these negative economic times; here I carry on the next step –towards generating income when you have no job. Here are some ideas: (Your ideas are also welcome to supplement the following list) Temporary Placements and Part-time Jobs It is the [...]

How to Generate Income and stay Positive when you have no Job – Part 1

|Categories: Career Self-Help, Job Search, Layoff|Tags: , , |

“’With no job and 5 kids, 'better to end our lives’, man wrote”.. with such horrendous stories making headlines in recession, it is time we thought in-depth on the topic – How to generate income post layoff / or during job search process and also focus on how to remain positive during these tough times. I [...]

What a week – Close to 50,000 Jobs will be wiped out soon

|Categories: Employment News|Tags: , |

This week's reports say it all - in the newspapers and the online business editions; it has been a terrible week in terms of job loss in the US. According to the leading newspapers and reports the job market scenario is looking bleaker than ever. In one week itself close to 50,000 positions have been announced [...]

What would you do to land an Interview?

|Categories: Job Search, Layoff|Tags: , , , , , |

Every new idea looks crazy at first. ~~ Robert Olson Today I was reading in the newspaper an article from Mike Cassidy titled "Will Work for Interview", how one man turns to a marketing gimmick to lure prospective employers. It is a story about a San Francisco man who wanted a new 'angle' to his job [...]

To Beat Recession we should use less of the ‘R’ word

|Categories: Employment News|Tags: , , |

Maybe to beat recession we must use less of the "r" word in the media these days. The newspapers are depressing, the news online on tech and business is overflowing with the news on layoffs and recession. I know that they are reporting what is actually happening around and running away from the truth does not [...]


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