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““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
Leaving Wall Street – The Major Job Losses that follow Bankruptcies
The depressing news of the market crashing and the investment giants wiped off the charts has increased the anxiety of the impending job losses and where will it all finally end. How many job losses could result of such bankruptcies is yet to be seen but for sure there will be many who will be out [...]
Careerbright’s own JobBoard – Work Flexible
Careerbright launches it's first online job board. Powered by SimplyHired's job search engine, search for jobs right here from the blog. Visit CAREERBRIGHT'S job board and start your job search today. If you are looking for flexible jobs in your area, then careerbright's job board is for you! If you are hiring, you can post your [...]
Going Back to College – A Good Move during Recession
Your skills are the invaluable wealth and the only possession that you can truly call your own. Whatever be your next step in this recession or even when the hiring resumes to normal - your skills will take you places. Never underestimate the power or learning and acquiring new skills and howsoever difficult it may seem now you [...]
Your First Interview Fresh out of College – How to Volley the Behavioral Questions
During their face to face interviews or even before in the screening interviews the Millennials can expect a volley of behavioral questions. Asked mainly to assess how you act in a particular situation, it is best to be prepared for the many that can be asked and often are the ones that are difficult to answer [...]
In a Tough Economy will Freelance Thrive
Freedom is that instant between when someone tells you to do something and when you decide how to respond. ~Jeffrey Borenstein And that to me is what freelancing is all about.A freelancer, freelance worker, or freelance is a person who pursues a profession without a long-term commitment to any one employer. (Source: WiKi) Is there [...]
I Can Work from Anywhere – Virtual Technology at the Service of the Global Workforce
Working virtually and with teams from around the world is the norm of the 21st century workforce and with the world getting smaller and technology enabling the global workforce to collaborate from one end of a globe to another, the global workforce needs empowerment and the ability for a sustainable and effective interaction. The new technology [...]