Step up to a new confidence level with all the advice and support you need for your job search.
““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
Learning from a Layoff – is it the Right Time to Innovate and be Independent?
One of the only ways to get out of a tight box is to invent your way out. This is what Amazon’s CEO Jeff Bezos recently said in an interview with Business Week. He says, “I think frugality drives innovation, just like other constraints do.” If I may take the liberty to relate this message (which [...]
Green Jobs and Careers
Green Jobs and Careers are to the rescue of our fragile environment. But what are the green jobs and careers and how can you be part of these to contribute to the health of our planet? All those jobs that support energy innovation, green technology and clean energy solutions come under green jobs and green careers. [...]
US Recession and the Global Economy – Snapshots from the Media
Job Cuts Maximum in last 2 Years in the US - recession fears are evident on the present US economy and global repercussions are not far behind, though already visible in some countries. According to a recent report in the San Jose Mercury News: In March, construction companies cut 51,000 jobs, factories eliminated 48,000 positions, retailers [...]
Post Layoff 5 Steps to a Successful Comeback
1. Conquer Negative Thoughts Post Layoff Identify the mental blocks that are holding you back and fight them. To be a winner, think like a winner. To be successful, imagine your success. Fight your fears and apprehensions and defeat them. Develop a winner’s attitude. Know that you can do it. As you think, so shall you [...]
Interview Etiquette, the Preparation and Presentation Before and During the Interview
BEFORE THE INTERVIEW Take time to prepare well for an interview, nothing beats a good preparation and practice. And of course the little details which matter a lot: Dressing up for an Interview, and of course you must be ready to Sustain a Long Interview in case it turns out to be one. Your Personality and [...]
Dealing with Rejection after an Interview
It is true that you have spent many months, weeks and hours over preparation and managing the interview process and you feel dejected and withdrawn when not getting a favorable response but time spent mourning is the previous time spent wasted. Use this time instead on research and analysis on what went wrong and how to [...]