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““It is never too late to be what you might have been.” ―George Eliot
Business Cards – Do you have your Glass Slipper?
Cinderella left behind a glass slipper that helped the prince trace her whereabouts; what are you leaving behind, after an interview? Though Cinderella’s slipper slip was unintentional, but can you imagine how the story would have been without that slippery incident? Yes of course, no prince is chasing you here, but since the hiring managers are [...]
SAMPLE RESUME – Career Change and Re-entering the Workforce
The example here is a sample resume of an event planner who is a re-entrant to the job market (with an employment gap in her resume and a career change in plans) in career transition from a teaching job to an event planner. Learn from this resume how you can use your volunteering experience to add to your [...]
A Part-time Job with Full-time Income – The Possibilities
Who all are looking for part-time jobs? Teenagers College Students Retirees Young Mothers People with Medical Problems or Disabilities Single Parents in Need of More Cash – A Second Job Someone in Search for a Good Life-Work Balance Why do you want to Work Part-time? A Teenager looking for a Summer Job Summer vacation is close [...]
Career Options for Baby Boomers or Post-Retirement
According to the Thomas C. Nelson, Chief Operating Officer, AARP (2006), by 2012 nearly 20 percent of the U.S. workforce will be age 55 or older, up from 14 percent in 2002. As the baby boom(er) generation nears retirement age, and the generations coming after are considerably smaller, analysts are predicting labor shortages in many industries. [...]
Entrepreneurship for Baby Boomers or Post Retirement
Baby Boomers as Entrepreneurs According to Going Your Own Way, an article in a CGC analysis of government data shows that those 55 to 64 and older represent one of the fastest-growing groups of self-employed workers. Some 1.8 million American workers ages 55 to 64 are self-employed outside of agriculture, up 29 percent from 2000, [...]
Strengthening the Pillars of Self-Confidence on the Comeback Path
In a previous post (Women Need Support to Reenter the Workforce) someone had rightly commented that when reentering the workforce the woman faces the major roadblock of conquering her shaken self-confidence. The doubts and fear of whether she would be able to do it again or with the large career gap is she capable of entering [...]